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A couple hours later
The cold air bites into my neck and face as I walk down the street towards the dorms. Seeing Troye brought all my issues into focus. Not that he wasn't super cool and polite, just the opposite, he's a real genuine good person, and he's perfect for Phil. The wind picks up next to me, I tighten my coat around me as garbage is being blown away next to me.
Meeting him made me realize how toxic I am for Phil, Phil is pure and innocent and sweet but I am fucked up and broken, we could never have been together even if I wanted to be. Meeting Troye for the first time did put something into context for me, I'm falling in love with Phil, but Phil's falling in love with Troye.
Which honestly is the better option, Troye can give Phil everything he needs and he can love him fully. I'm not sure if I'll even be able to love someone fully after what has been done to me.
The sky breaks above me and water starts pouring down, I don't run or hide, I just let it wash over me, chilling me to the bone, I look down at the ground, watching as the water drips off my face onto the sidewalk.
So all in all its better this way, for Phil to end up with Troye and for them to live happily ever after. And for me to be alone.
Less damage.
I begin walking again, a deep sense of nothingness pulling at my heart.
And I mean completely alone, no more one night stands, no more fucking random people at parties. I'm done. I owe that much to Phil. Even if we will never be together, not like I would ever deserve that anyways, I deserve nothing.
My fathers voice comes to mind ,"Don't think the world owes you shit boy because it doesn't. You are nothing in this world and you are no one of significance. Your a fucking bastard and you deserve nothing."
I reach my hand up, rubbing at my eyes that give away who I truly am. Everyone in my family has green eyes... everyone except me.
"You fucking leech, you and your fucking whore mother have done nothing but take from me, your lucky that we had to keep up appearances or I would have thrown you out on the street the day you were born, you filthy abomination."
I can't feel my hands anymore. It takes me 5 minutes to open up the door.
Naturally right when I finally manage to get the door open I almost stumble into a pair of brilliant blue eyes.

I jump back about a foot when I open the door. Dan is on the other side and he is completely soaking wet.
"Oh my god I'm sorry", I say as I jump back letting him get by me to get out of the freezing rain. Dan doesn't move though, he just stares at me. Water dripping from face onto the pavement.
I look up into his eyes and almost jerk back when I see the amount of pain inside of them, "Dan?", I say reaching out to help him.
He must see the look on my face because before I make contact be breaks away, turning around back into the rain, he starts walking, the storm swells around him, angry wind and pounding rain whip his hair and his clothes around him but he hardly seems to notice as he vanishes into the storm. Not looking back.

For Me, For You, For Us(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now