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One week later

Dan's POV

Fuck my head hurts. I've been caught between being extremely hungover and extreme drunk my whole life but honestly I have to say this is definitely one of the worst hangovers in my life.
Every step I take towards my Calculus 121 class is like a bomb going off in my head.
I quietly make my way to my seat, sliding in without engaging anyone, even Alfie who is sitting on my right, at the beginning he used to try to talk to me, to get me to open up, he knows now that that would be a wasted effort.

The class pass in a blur. Honestly I don't even care anymore and I don't know why I even bother going, sometime I wonder why I even bother at all.
Before I'm able to leave my professor calls my name, beckoning me to the front of the lecture. I grab my books and head up there, my heart beating fast with a strong sense of déjà vu.
"Daniel-" my professor says as I walk up to her desk- "it's been brought to my attention by administration that you are slipping past the boarder of being able to recover, academically wise," she says to me. "On the principle of your future success and your fathers hefty influence in this establishment. It has been decided that you are to receive a tutor for the two subjects you are having trouble with, I have several tutors set up for you and you will have one study session with each of them to determine the one that works best for you and then at the end of the week you will report back to me with your choice", she says in a clipped tone, clearly I have no say and the matter has already been decided. "Your first session is in 15 minutes in the library, I suggest you get moving", she says, looking down at her notes, curtly dismissing me. I pick up my bag and turn around, heading down the hall, trying to ignore the racing in my heart. I was stupid. I should have realized that my father would find out about my slipping grades and interfere. At least he didn't do anything personally, there's still time for me to fix my grades before he could become fully involved.
I shove my shaking hands in my pockets and I head for the library, hangover forgotten as I try to distract myself by wondering who my new tutor will be. Ms. Brinchan said that I would be testing out a couple different tutors to see which one worked best for me.
I lift my head up to look at the heavy doors in front of me as I reach the library, the library is considered one of the most beautiful places on campus, a cross between modern and classical. It's architecture has a quality about it that will please just about anyone. It instantly calms me as I reach for the handles and let myself in.
My calm fades a second later as I see the only person in the library besides me at this time, is that guy that Phil's been hanging out with, Trevor or something.
Unease curls in my gut and my legs tense as I get ready to leave and pretend I was never here. Unlucky for me, that's when the guy gets up and walks over to me.
He smiles up at me as soon as he reaches me and holds one hand out, "Hello, my name's Troye and I'm your first option as a tutor or something like that", he says with a laugh. I hesitate for a second but then grudgingly hold out my hand "Dan", is all I say. If the name sparks any recognition in him he doesn't let on. "Well how about we go sit at my table and just get this thing started", he says with a smile, his Australian accent strong, gesturing behind him to the table. I just nod and he leads me back to his original table.
"Ok so administration told me that you were having some trouble with...

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