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Phil's POV

I look down at the floor, still not meeting his eyes, I'm not sure what I want to see in them, and I am to scared to find out.

He tries to speak, but his voice comes out all scratchy and off-pitch. He clears his throat and starts again, "What are you doing here?", he  asks in a shaky voice.
"Um Peej got the call while we were in class together and I just figured...", I trail off uncomfortably.
"Listen mate... you need to leave me alone, what happened between us was... Wrong and I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing, I'm not like that, so please just leave me alone", he says, glaring at me.
"I.. um... I didn't...", I stutter completely caught off guard.
"You need to stop getting in my way, all you do is cause more harm then good", he says in a broken voice.
I feel my body temperature rising. "What the fuck! You were the one who started it!", I growl, feeling anger course through my body.
"It was a mistake, I'm not... like that, I don't play that way", he stammers, sounding lost.
He suddenly sits up on his bed, and his voice turns angry, "You don't even know me, so stop acting like you do, just get the fuck out of here choirboy, nobody wants you here", he growls.

I flinch and finally meet his eyes, hurt coursing through my body.
His eyes look black, even in the bright lighting of the room and they are full of anger, pain, and hatred. 

I step back, I have never seen that much hatred in one person, and especially from someone so young.
My whole body feels cold as I turn around and open the door, stepping out without saying another word, leaving behind the beautiful boy with the brown eyes.

Dan's POV

I watch Phil leave the room, desperately wanting to call him back in and apologize, but this is better for him, this will keep him safe.
Yet a part of me wonders whether I am doing this for him, or myself.

It doesn't matter anyway.

For Me, For You, For Us(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now