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I can't tell how much time has passed, it could have been a couple minutes, and hour, or a day, I don't have a clue.
Suddenly Peej comes through the doors and heads towards me.
"Hey mate, you can come back now, he's asking for you", he says with a sad tired look on his face.
I will my legs to stand but they seem frozen to the spot, unable to thaw.
Peej waits for me, he seems to understand that I just need a minute to collect myself and my thoughts.
With a deep breath I push myself up and start walking over towards Peej, a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

A nurse named Carrie leads us through the hallway towards Dan's room, she doesn't try to talk much, she can feel the apprehension in the air and seems smart enough to know that there is absolutely nothing to say.
She does however, give me a detailed work up on his condition, she won't tell me how he got this way but she doesn't spare me the details of the aftermath.
"He has 3 fractured ribs, a severe concussion, a dislocated shoulder, and a severe amount of bruising," she says in a professional tone.

I feel like I can hear every sound in this entire building but nothing registers, my heart beats and yet I feel nothing,

We walk up outside of Dan's room and she stops for a minute, checking the chart she has in her hands and then tells us that she will be next room if we need anything.
We nod and she moves down the hall, opening the door next to us and disappearing inside.
Peej cracks his neck, his usual smile gone, as he steps back and gestures to the door.
"He wants to talk to you alone, I'm gonna head to the cafeteria to pick up some food, call me if anything changes", he says with a distant look in his eyes as he turns around and walks down the hall without a second look, his shoulders slumped.
I stare after him for a few moments, then bring out my phone and text Chris, who just got here, that everything is fine and to meet Peej in the Cafeteria.
I put my phone away and rest my hand on the door, before finally pushing it open and walking inside, my heart in my throat.

The room is cold, white and cold, that's the first thing I notice because I can't bring myself to look at the person on the bed, though I can feel him looking at me.
The curtains are a pale blue, like the hospital staff put them up to try to bring color to such a gloomy area.
The subtle beep... beep... beep, is what finally captures my attention and I bring my eyes over to him.
At first, there's is to much visual stimulation and I'm not sure what to look at first, I don't want to look into his eyes, if I saw the beautiful brown eyes in this much pain, I don't know what it would do to me.
I settle for the monitors, they are measuring things like his heart rate and BP.
He has an IV.
And his whole body is covered with different tubes.

Finally I work up my courage and close my eyes, I take a deep breath and open them and properly look at him.

He looks... broken. Most of his body is covered with a sheet, but the sheet only goes up to his waist.
His ribs and torso are covered with bandages, the black and blue skin peeking out from underneath them, one of his arms is in a temporary sling, and he has a bandage wrapped around his forehead.
His whole body is bruised.
This made the aftermath of the fight by the dorms look like child's play.
However, it isn't his body that makes him look broken.
He looks like the will to live had been taken from him, his soul gone, his fight... gone.
The playful, mysterious man who used to infuriate me, is gone, and here now laying in this bed, is a boy who has seen all the evil in the world and just wants it to be over.

For Me, For You, For Us(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now