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Dan's POV

A couple hours ago...

I hear them before I see them. My vision had gone away over an hour ago from the pain but my sense of hearing still remained, I was right on the edge of unconsciousness yet I could not go all the way over.
First there is yelling, a lot of screaming and it hurts my head.
Then I feel hands on my body, a lot of hands and I start to panic, my mind flashing back to horrible memories.
I try to struggle but I feel as if I am suffocating, drowning in my own blood.
The hands hoist me from the ground and I scream, the pain suddenly becoming to much that it propels me into unconsciousness.

A hard slap across my face draws me awake. I blink, my eyes unaccustomed to the harsh light of the room, as I begin to look around.
The room is white and sterile, just like the person standing in front of me.
I feel a hand grab onto my face and pull it forward,and I flinch as the nails bite into my bruised skin.
"You stupid weak faggot", says my father.
"You are in so much shit for this you fucking leech", he sneers, like he isn't the one who put me in this state.
But that doesn't matter to my father, to him, I am this weak ungrateful little shit and I should be able to put up with anything he gives me because 'That's what a man would do'.

I feel a little flicker of pride when I see the shiner that colors my fathers face, I surprised him today, normally I don't fight back, it just makes my punishment worse, but today I was conflicted, Phil made me feel things that I shouldn't, according to my father, he made me weak in the eyes of my father, but in my heart he made me strong and happy, for the first time in forever, so I fought back, not that it did any good. My father is the College Administrator as well as an ex-navy seal (he grew up in America), I might as well have been a child for all it mattered, not that I ever had a childhood.
So when he saw his son come home the next morning, with a split lip and a black eye from defending a 'faggot' from a school bully, he was not pleased.
"Listen to me you fucking cunt, I told the hospital that I tried to save you while you were getting jumped downtown, that's what happened, and that's what your going to say when they ask you, you hear me", he growls into my face, his cold green eyes staring down toward me with distain.
"And one more thing, if I ever see or even fucking hear about you hanging around that faggot that you tried to defend, I will put him into the hospital right along side you, the only difference is, he won't be coming home", he spits into my face as he leans back, fixes his hair and suit and walks regally out of the room without a backwards glance.

I watch the door where he left for a few minutes before a nurse comes in, she tells me that she called my emergency contact and that he and a man named Phil Lester had arrived.
I thank her and ask her to give me a couple minutes before calling Peej.
She leaves the room as I put my head in my hands, my whole body frozen as I prepare myself for what I have to do.

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