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One week later


They are finally releasing me from the hospital today. I'm surprised Dr. Izomer didn't demand to keep me later, but I guess there is no real reason for me to stay anymore.
I've basically given up on having a reason for anything anymore.
I twist the sheets in my hands to avoid rubbing my wrists, the feeling of pain there that I've become so used to has nearly faded and the doctors get mad at me if I try to open old wounds.
Besides my doctors, I haven't spoken to anyone since I woke up, Peej is ignoring my calls and every time I text Chris he says that he doesn't want to get in the middle of things. And with the two of them out of my life I am officially out of friends. My erratic behavior this year has basically forced me to sever ties with my few remaining friends; like Alfie.
I refuse to think of the one other person that has become a constant fixture in my life over these past months. He's made it very clear that he wants nothing to do with me. And who could blame him. I'm a depressive, suicidal, bastard who can't even manage to successfully kill them self.
My head jerks up when I hear the door open and I try to sit up straighter, to appear more put together when Dr. Izomer enters.
She looks me up and down before focusing on my eyes, she doesn't seem fooled.
"Everything is ready for your release Daniel", she says. Standing to the side with her clipboard balanced on her hip, she looks me straight in the eyes, daring me to look away. Despite her words she gives off the impression of not believing I am ready to be released.
I know she's right but I can't stand to be in this room another second. It reminds me of all the past reasons I've had to be in a hospital.
She darts a quick glance to my hands, which I just now noticed are still rubbing together, I jerk to a stop, angry that she berates me for things I can't help.
"Let's go then", I say, impressed at my ability to keep my voice level.
"I'll give you a minute to change", she says, before leaving the room.
I change as fast as my shaky limbs will let me before opening the door and walking to wear she is waiting down the hall. She gives me a nod and we head over to a desk where I am handed paperwork to fill out.
It takes me over an hour to finish all the paper work, apparently in order to be released Dr. Izomer has required that I attend weakly group therapy and I have a return appointment in about a month, to see if I'm doing any better.
I don't care. I doubt I'll even go, and I don't care what they will do to me because of it.
After finishing the paper work I stand from my chair pulling my phone out of my pocket to call an Uber. After making sure that Steven was going to the right address I look up, about to make my way down the hall but instead I'm stoped by Dr. Izomer.
It startles me for a minute when I realize that I'm about a half foot taller then her. I've always known I was a tall guy but when I was looking up at her from my hospital bed she seemed miles taller then me.
She starts off on some tirade about moving forward and battling demons and despite the fact that what she is saying is probably worth listening to, I can't focus. Everything around me seems so far away, even though I can see and touch it. I'm numb, displaced from the world.
"Daniel-", she says, cutting into my thoughts, "did you hear anything I just said?"
I nod and try to come up with some answer that looks like I was paying attention.
She nods and backs up, apparently satisfied with whatever I said.
I slide past her and walk down the hall, not really caring where I go as long as I get away from here.

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