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Dan's POV
My eyes track the movement of the alcohol as I swirl it around in my cup. It lost its taste after the first few drinks, and I start counting the seconds while I wait.
"Hey Dan, this seat taken?" says a really pretty African American girl with striking green eyes.
I tip back the last of my drink as I stop counting, two minutes and 13 seconds, a new record.
"It's only for you baby", I drawl as my eyes look her up and down, she'll do.
She giggles and sweeps her long dark hair over her should, flashing her cleavage.
I tip the last of the alcohol back as I feel myself start to get hard in my jeans.
"It's really loud in here", I say. "Wanna head somewhere we can talk privately?", I whisper in her ear.
She giggles again and takes her hand, trailing it down my arm before it rests on my hand, then she gets up and leads the way into one of the rooms at the back of the house. I take this time to get a good look at her ass and feel myself grow even harder.
She turns down the hallway till she stops at a room towards the back. Then she takes a key from the chain around her neck and unlocks the door, pulling me inside.
She wastes no time, as soon as I shut the door behind me, she jumps up, grabbing my face and bringing it to hers as she licks her way into my mouth. I run my hands down her body as I pull her even closer to me, rubbing my crotch against her stomach.
She groans and then starts taking her shirt and bra off, leaving her skirt on, she pulls her lace panties off. I pause a moment before I unfasten my zipper, springing my cock free.
She brings her hands up and cups them around her breasts, obviously trying to impress me with the amount of cleavage she has.
I stroke myself, pretending to give a shit.
She walks back up to me slowly, trying to seduce me, when she gets close enough I grab her and pull her back flush against mine. She starts panting, obviously completely aroused. "What do you want baby", I whisper in her ear as I bite her earlobe.
She gasps and her legs start to twitch as she uses one of her hands to rub herself.
"You", she says, "You. I want you to fuck me".
That's all the okay I need as I reach into my back pocket and pull out a condom and put it on my dick.
I stroke myself and then quickly thrust into her from behind. She gasps and immediately starts to orgasm. I continue pumping into her as she rides it out.  
She groans as I lean her on a desk a couple feet away from her so I can go even deeper.
After a few minutes I start to feel a tightening in my balls so I reach down and around her body until I find her clit and start rubbing it in time with my thrusts. Within 30 seconds, she starts to orgasm again and the tightening of her core brings me over the edge as well as my whole body tightens up and I spill into the condom.
She stops for a minute to catch her breath as I withdraw from her.
"You were amazing", she says with a glassy expression as she sits down on the bed.
I zip my jeans back up as I look at her. "So were you babe".
"We definitely have to do that again", she giggles.
"Totally babe", I whisper as I lean down to kiss her before walking out the room, and out of her life. I never have sex with the same person twice, so despite what she wants, it isn't going to happen.
The alcohol has begun to wear off so I head into the kitchen to make myself something to drink.

I lean against the counter, sipping my drink as I wait for my next volunteer to distract me from the nightmare that is my life.

For Me, For You, For Us(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now