For you

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Very few days in my life have passed as slowly as these next few days did.
According to Peej, the doctors said that Dan has woken up a couple times but he's been kinda out of it and is still in a critical state so he can't have visitors yet.
None of us are really sure what happened because the doctors won't tell us cause we aren't family and Peej(Dan's emergency contact) hasn't said anything if he knows.

I pull my knees up to my chest, shivering despite my jacket and the mild temperature of the room.
I don't know if I'll ever really be warm again.

Peej and Chris are sitting in the chairs across from me, Peej sitting very similar to me, with his head on Chris's shoulder as he snores softly.
Chris is still awake. His usual smile gone, his eyes way to old for his face.
Ever since mine and Peej's conversation a couple nights ago Peej has developed a sense of detachment, he hardly talks, even when spoken too, and in the few instances that he's awake, it's apparent that he isn't really here anymore. Something inside him seems to have snapped and it seems like the old Peej is fading in front of my eyes.
The only time that he even seems alive anymore is when he looks at Chris.
Looking a Peej and Chris together makes my heart hurt because no matter what he does or no matter who I have in my life currently, my heart wants Dan, simple and yet so complicated at the same time, yet that's not gonna happen, I have Troye and he's the better person for me, not like Dan wants me anyway, he will probably be furious to learn I was even here. That thought makes my heart hurt all over again and I turn my attention back to the boys on the chairs across from me.
I hope when this is all over, one way or another, that Peej and Chris stay together. I really don't think Peej can handle loosing another person, and after this many days of no change... my mind has basically made itself up about how this is gonna end.
And it doesn't look good.


My head feels like it's trying to run through mud when I wake up.
I wince as I sit up on my bed. Rubbing my eyes as I wait for the familiar feeling of hunger and exhaustion to pass enough that I could pretend to function again.
I wait what feels like a couple minutes but could have been a couple seconds or a couple hours, but the feeling never completely passes. I bring my arm up to pull the covers off my body before I realize that my arm is hooked to an IV.
My heart rate speeds up slightly and I jerk my head up, instantly getting hit with a wave of dizziness so bad that I have to sit back in the bed to avoid passing out. But those couple seconds of looking around have provided me with enough information to know where I am.
A hospital bed. Again.
Like I could forget. I'm here so fucking much they should just make this my personal room.
I look around slowly, trying to remember how I got here this time, but my mind draws a blank.
I look down at my arms which look bad but no worse then usual. Seeing my scars so open and stark in this pristine white room makes me uncomfortable so I tuck them under the stiff hospital blankets as I lay my head back against the pillow, trying to collect my thoughts as they continue to swim across my head.

About an hour later a nurse comes in, she seems surprised to see me awake and rushes to find a doctor, a couple minutes later the girl brings in an older female doctor, a tall woman with a blond bob and intelligent blue eyes. I can instantly feel an aura of strength around her and my defenses come up. She comes over and starts checking my stats on the machines by my bed. Making notes on her tablet. Finally she turns to me.
"Hello Daniel my name is Dr. Izomer and I am your leading physician today. How are you feeling right now?"
It takes me a couple extra seconds to process what she is saying but once I do I open my mouth but nothing coherent comes out. I start to panic, my mind filled with thoughts of never being able to talk again when the doctor says
"No no it's fine don't strain yourself, there will be plenty of time to talk later, your vitals look better, your blood sugar is still really low but the IV drip your on right now should help that issue. Do you remember why you are here?" She asks, coming closer to my bed but wisely not touching me.
I shake my head, since my voice still seems beyond my control. She nods and says, " That's perfectly fine, your voice and your memory should come back shortly once you get some rest and continue to recover." She pauses, seeming to think before collecting her words.
"Three days ago you were brought in on an ambulance after a civilian found you unconscious downtown in Manchester." She pauses again. Probably giving my slow brain time to process her words. "You were severely malnourished and exhausted when you were brought in as well as mildly hypothermic from being in the rain and cold for a couple hours. We had to put you on bypass to warm your core temperature but you should fully recover from your hypothermia in a couple more days. As for your other injuries..." she stops, looking at where my wrists are under the sheets.
I feel the blood rise to my face, both from embarrassment as well as anger.
She senses the change in me and I expect her to back off but instead she surprises me, she reaches over, grabbing a chair and rolling over to sit next to me.
"I'm gonna be frank with you Daniel, if you keep this up at this rate your going right now, there's a good chance that next time you come in. We won't be having this talk, we won't be having any talks. Your body fat level is dangerously low. In a couple months, your body will run out of muscle and fat to use as food, it will eventually turn to your major organs, even your brain. That coupled with the amount of blood you are loosing could lead to consequences that can't be fixed. And I don't know, maybe that's what you want, for everything to be over," she said shifting to the side and looking me square in the eyes, no matter how much I tried to shift them away. 
"Your death might be an option for you but it is not an option for me," she said, staring directly into my eyes.
"And if I have to help you fight all the goddamn demons in hell to get through this then that's what I'm going to do... for you."

For Me, For You, For Us(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now