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I believe that there are fundamental moments in our lives that shape us into the people we are supposed to be. And in my life there have only been a few of these defining moments, and this happens to be one of them.

He's beautiful. There's no other way to put it. Not in the traditional sense of perfect looks and an out of this world body. His eyes are a warm brown and his hair is straight and styled into a perfect fringe. He's really tall, taller than me by a little, which doesn't happen often. His lips are full and perfect- and are now turned into a frown.
"Hey, will you fucking watch where your going?"
"I- um- your- um-", I stutter, unable to comprehend how something so vile can come from someone so pure.
"Will you just get out of my fucking way?" He growls, shoving my sketchbook at me and running his hands through his hair as he walks quickly down the hall, he brunches his shoulders, causing his black jacket to crinkle around them, then he disappears, looking like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.
A voice startles me out of my silence.
"Hey man sorry about that, Dan can be a real asshole sometimes, it's best just to forget about it", says a boy with sparkling blue eyes and curly brown hair, " I'm Peej".
"Phil", I say in a shaky voice, I'm still unnerved by the whole incident that happened moments ago.
"Cool, yeah um sorry about that. How about I show you to your dorm, to at least try to make up for Dan's douche move there", he says with a smile as I hand him my papers with my dorm information.
"21B! That's me too! It's right down this hall and to the right", he says and starts walking.
"Thanks", I say as we walk to the dorm.

"So this is it", he says with a smile, and gestures his hand toward the door, "Welcome to my humble abode".
Peej seems like a really nice, funny guy and I hope that we have some classes together so that we can become friends. He opens the door and we step into the hallway. It's a long narrow faded white hallway with doors on either side and a living room and kitchen area in the back as well as two doors that have a bathroom sign over them. It's all very bland and forgettable, exactly like how I imagined it.
"This room is yours", he points to the door closest to the exit, and "This one is mine", he says pointing to a door a little farther down.
"Thanks", I say. He smiles back and I feel the need to further the conversation, normally I would just quit talking after this and go to my room to play video games but I want to get out of my shell and make more friends, I want college to be a new experience for me, in more ways than one.
"Who do you live with?" I ask, figuring that's a safe question.
"My boyfriend Chris", he says in a nonchalant tone, his eyes flashing, like he wanted to clear the air and find out my reaction before continuing any friendship that might sprout between us.
I freeze, not expecting that answer, maybe we have more in common then I thought.
"That's cool, must be nice to live together, probably makes it easier to see each other", I say, trying to sound normal and accepting. I don't want him to think I'm homophobic or anything.
"Yeah it does, it's a lot more convenient", he says in his upbeat way. He starts walking around the dorm, showing me where things are and where I should put my stuff. It's a rather small area but then again I didn't bring much and I like the homey feel of it. It's nice to be on my own, and I want to make something of this experience; become a better version of me.
I feel like this could be my time, to step out of my shell and finally be myself. These last few years have been hard on me and I feel like I'm finally ready to open myself and live my life, for me.

Just as I finished putting my stuff away a couple of hours later, I hear a sharp thump against the wall. I open my door and walk outside wondering about the sound when I suddenly freeze. Dan is outside, leaning against the door on my right, making out with some chick, she has her hands all over his body and is panting like she just finished a race. Dan opens his eyes and looks up at me when he hears the door open, he disengages his mouth from hers and smirks at me while his eyes flash. He reaches behind him with one hand to unlock the door and grabs the blonde's ass with the other. She giggles and attacks his face again as he closes the door behind them and leaves me out in the hall, alone.
I don't sleep at all that night.

For Me, For You, For Us(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now