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I'm walking through a dark endless hallway, with countless doors on either side.
'Am I too late?', I wonder as I frantically try to open the doors, but find every single one locked.
As time goes one and I still can't find him I begin to panic even more, my heart racing inside my chest.
"Fuck!", I scream as my fear courses through me.
Suddenly I fall to the ground, exhausted.
Almost immediately the floor begins to turn to quicksand and I start to sink.
I jerk around, furiously trying to hall my incorporating body from the floor that is slowly encasing it, but to no avail.
Right before the mud completely covers me I see a figure standing in the corner, watching.
"Help!" I try to scream as the quicksand pulls me down even more, "please?!", I scream.
I reach up my hand, the only part of my body not covered with mud, so that the person can reach it and help pull me up.
They don't move.
"HELP!", I scream, my voice cracking as I plead.
Right before I am completely consumed by the mud, I see the figure start to walk towards me.
The last sight that greets me before my death is Dan's nonchalant, curious face as he watches me die.

I jerk awake, my body covered in a thin layer of sweat, as I pant, trying to calm my racing heart.
I can't get Dan's face out of my mind, how calm and slightly curious he looked, how his beautiful brown eyes regarded me impassively.
As if watching me in pain and dying was nothing important.
I look around the dark room, trying to see what woke me from the nightmare, when I finally notice Dan on my bed, a thin layer of sweat encasing him as well, as he jerks around on my bed, he seems in the throes of a nightmare too, his face pinched and he looks like he is in great pain.
"Please... please... stop", he whimpers in a heartbreaking voice as he flinches again.
"Stop", he cries as he jerks around.
I jump up from my chair and run over to him.
I grab the sides of his face as I try to get him to wake up.
"Dan? Dan it's Phil, your at the dorms, your safe, everything is okay", tell him, trying to get through to him.
"Dan", I say again, getting really worried.
He jerks awake, his eyes popping open as he looks around frantically, as if gauging his surroundings, he looks so lost.
"Dan", I say again, trying to get his attention.
He finally looks up at me, "Phil", he says as he reaches up so that he can pull me down to him, then he curls up next to my side.
I freeze, caught off guard and unaware of what to do, my heart beating like crazy at his closeness.
He buries his head into my chest as his whole body starts to shake.
I reach my arms around him and pull him close, laying my head on top of his as he struggles to calm himself.

Eventually he falls asleep and I pull back slightly to look at him.
I don't know what he was reliving in his dream, maybe the fight, or something worse, but whatever it was, it scares the shit out of me that something can reduce someone like Dan to such a terrified state.
I clench him even closer as I lay a soothing kiss to his forehead, and then rest my head on top of his again as I once again drift into sleep.

For Me, For You, For Us(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now