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Two weeks later


I'm at my weekly tutoring session with Troye when I get the call. These past two sessions with Troye has been awkward as fuck. Partially because I feel like shit for basically forcing Phil, his boyfriend! To make out with my while I was in the hospital, even though I've been nothing but horrible to him. I walked in the first day, expecting Troye to confront me about it, but he isn't acting any different at all and it's driving me insane, because that probably means that Phil didn't tell him, which probably means that they are still together.
I try not to let the thought of Phil with anyone else get into my head too much cause it just bring a whole new round of pain, and unfortunately that kind of pain is not the kind I enjoy dealing with.
So when my phone buzzes in my pocket I immediately grab it, wanting any excuse to get away from this awkward situation.
"Hey I need to take this", I say, without bothering to check who is calling.
"Sure no problem, take your time", Troye says with his natural kindness.
I don't say anything back as I turn around toward the exit and start walking, answering the phone at the same time.
"Is this Daniel Howell?" a voice on the other end says. 
"Yes...?" I say, confused about who would call me who wouldn't know it was me.
"Hello this is Sharon, from North Manchester General Hospital and we are calling because you were listed as a next of kin for mister Robert Howell", the mention of my father's name makes my skin prick, "and we can't get ahold of his emergency contact, a miss Rachel Howell, so we were hoping you can come in and we can talk to you", she says in a formal tone.
At first I don't know what to say, it's the first time I've heard my mothers name in 15 years, since she OD'd on pills, and even before that my father wouldn't say her name unless he was cursing her for shaming him, for being shame into this family, because of me, because of my eyes.
"Daniel are you there?" the woman is saying.
"Yes I'm here, ah I'll ah come down", I say my voice rough.
"Go right up to a nurse at the front desk and they will direct you", she says before hanging up.
I freeze with the phone still up to me ear, as memories buzz through my head, the first one; a smile, my mother's smile, sadly that smile didn't last for long. My next memory is the moment I realized that my father hated me, I must have been around 5, holding handing with my mother as we walked into a family friends house, the summer before she killed herself, I was really tired and I didn't wanna go to an adult party, I wanted to play with my toys at home, and there was this man my dad's age who made me feel uncomfortable and would touch me in weird places when nobody was looking, he seemed to like me though and I looked up to him because he didn't hurt me. I remember crying to my parents about not going home and my father slapping me across the face and saying "Real men don't cry, stop being a fucking pussy", while holding my face painful in his hand. When he let go I ran to hid behind my mom, crying still. She turned around a hugged me, pulling me close to her body as she said soft words into my ear.
"Get your fucking bastard out of here Rachel, I don't have the patience to deal with either one of you today", he says before walking out the room without looking back.
I'm still crying so my mom pulls my hand back from my face, smoothing her hand along my aggregated cheek she tells me, "Danny, you've got to be careful around daddy, whenever you get upset just hold it in, hold it in and come find mommy, and then mommy will hold you and you can cry", she wraps me up even tighter as I cling to her coat, "mommy loves you and mommy will never leave you alone", she says before kissing red cheek.

Troye's hand on my shoulder is what pulls me from my nightmare.
I jerk away from his hand and put my hand up to defend my myself.
"Whoa calm down Dan, I'm sorry for startling you", he says with his hands up in a defensive position.
"You just looked a little lost for a second and I wanted to make sure your okay?", he says.
I just stair. Completely caught off guard my his kindness as well as the phone call and the memories that came with it.
"Yeah... fine", I say as I back toward the door before completely turning around and sprinting.
I don't even know why I'm running.

For Me, For You, For Us(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now