Calm before the storm

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Hey authors note: Thanks for reading!!! I work really hard on each chapter and really appreciate every view! Sorry if there are spelling mistakes, I'll try to correct them as I go. Please keep reading, I have this whole plan for what's going to happen and it's only just getting started:). Thanks my friends:)

"It's always calm before the storm"

I've been in many awkward situations in my life, some worse than others, once when I was young, I told Annie Johnson that I thought she was pretty. She didn't take it that well and went and told the whole school.
I've never been good at communicating the way normal people do. However, lately I've been feeling like I'm ready to get over it and move on, that I could finally accept who I am and not care what other people think.
However when I wake up the next morning in a stranger's bed, cold and alone, I feel like the same 8 year old boy who just put his heart out in the open to a person he trusted, just to have his trust and affection throne back at him.
I told myself I would never feel like that again.

I flip over on the bed, flinching at the headache that confirms the alcohol.
I reach over and grab my stuff as I rush from the house, ignoring the other partiers , and out into the cool pre-dawn air, it's still dark and my body starts shaking, and it's not from the cold.

The day's classes pass in a blur. I can barely hold myself together, much less pay attention to my professors.
Dan isn't in Literature. I try not to let myself think about why that may be.

When the professor dismisses us from the last class I'm to busy trying to get out of there as fast as I can so that I can be alone, that I don't notice the short blonde haired boy with glasses until I smack into him and send all of our stuff flying.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry", I stammer, trying to pull myself out of my head enough to help him pick everything up, 'God Dan is right, I am the clumsiest person alive'.
"No no it's fine, sorry I wasn't watching where I was going", he says as I reach down to help pick up the mess.
"No this is totally my fault, I'm really sorry", I say, feeling like a total ass.
"No no it's fine. How about we call it a draw and agree that we are both complete idiots", he says with a grin and infectious laugh.
"I think I can agree on that", I laugh with him.
"My names Tyler", he said.
"Well Phil, it was nice meeting you, maybe I'll see u around sometime", he says with a glint in his eyes and a grin as he walks away.
I'm stunned silent for a few moments, 'Was he flirting with me?' I smile to myself and blush, 'Yeah I think he was', I smile as I walk back home, happy for the first time all day.

We I get back to the dorms, I immediately head towards my room, wanting to lock myself inside of there with my thoughts, hoping to avoid Dan.
However, today isn't my lucky day.
Just as I'm about to escape into my room, the door to Dan's room opens and a short curvy brunette steps outside, wearing just a t-shirt, Dan's t-shirt, and almost runs into me.
"Oopsie", she giggles, alcohol thick on her breath. She turns around and stumbles into the bathroom, emerging with a foil packet. She giggles and hiccups as she walks back into Dans room.
I turn around and walk into my room, my heart weighting a million pounds in my chest.
I put in my headphones, trying to drown out the sounds coming from the room next door.
But no matter how high I turn up my music, nothing can stop the images in my head.

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