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Again I woke to the unfamiliar walls and vibe of this house. It had been maybe a week and I woke every day thinking it was my first day here. At this point I thought I'd never get used to it.

Me being the master procrastinator I am, I had convinced my mother to let me stay in this house this entire week and not start my new school.

My father wasn't okay with me coming all the way over here. Although according to the judge he had no say over what happens to me anymore. My mom had won full custody and now she lives with her boyfriend. He's the one that dragged us over here to Australia in the first place.  

I wasn't mad at the judge for giving my mother full custody, I didn't care either way because I loved both of my parents, their differences stayed between them and it never truly affected me. I just didn't like my mothers boyfriend. He was an asshole but I don't really care to talk about him with anyone and my dad was way better than him. The judge just happened to catch him when he was drunk and unstable due to the divorce then my mother suing for custody.

I heard my mother call from downstairs, "Charlie!!! Get down here or you are going to be late to school!!"

I rolled out of bed, blanket and all, and dragged my lazy ass down the stairs. My mother was sitting at the table drinking some coffee.

"Mom do I have to go to that school today?"

"Yes Charlie... You can't avoid it forever and you can't stay here and stay stupid, go learn something" I laughed. My mother and I had always had a very sarcastic tone with each other unless it was serious.

Not wanting to beg her I slowly went back into my room to get ready. I washed my face, put on some pants, I didn't even bother to change out of my tank top i just slipped on a black sweatshirt over it and put on a beanie because i didnt want to brush my hair. I put my all black vans on and made my way downstairs. My mother was used to the way I dressed, I never went out of my way to look nice and I had makeup but never used it. She was completely opposite. She always had full makeup and dressed like the first lady. She never used to do that when she was married to my dad...

She drove me to the school and I was already late, late on my first day.

"Do you want me to inside with you? Hold your hand and walk you to your first class?" My mom joked.

"No mom its fine, I'll just go to the back of the school and smoke the day away with the drug addicts."

"Well... Have a nice day Charlie." She laughed and drove off.

I walked into the office, it was pretty late I think half the school day had gone by but I didnt care I had to get this over with.

"Hi my name is Charlotte Fletcher it's my first day here." I told the lady in the office.

"Alright Ms. Fletcher let me check your schedule.."

She tapped away at her keyboard for what seemed like hours. I got lost in thought until i saw a hand swipe in front of my face.

"Little nervous for our first day are we?" The office lady smiled.

I just smiled in response and took the schedule from her. She walked me around the school and showed me where all my classrooms were. When the tour was over she walked me to my 4th class of the day.

"Good luck at school Ms. Fletcher." She smiled and walked back to the office. I opened the door to find that it I had interrupted the teacher and all eyes were on me.

"Can i help you?" The teacher barked

"I'm your new student" I said handing him my schedule.

"Hmm... Oh yes, the American. Take a seat over there in any empty spot."

I looked around and found a seat in the back corner. By now I should have gotten used to people calling me American but I had barely left the house since we moved in. I say down and felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, I know you. Youre my new neighbor. You stepped into that house and never stepped back out." He giggled. I didnt bother look up thinking he would go away.

"I hate this class. Thats why im the oldest here, I've been held back but the year is almost over then I'm out of here... You don't talk much do you?"

I really didnt want to talk to him. I just wanted to get this day over with and this school year over with so i could go back to staying in my room all day. But maybe if i talked to him he would shut up. So i looked up at him.

"No but I can tell you do and thats why youve been held back."

He giggled, "Yeah i guess youre right... Can i see your schedule?"

I handed him the paper and he glanced over it then made a sad face. "Aw we only have this one class together. Now you wont have anyone to talk to."

I snapped "and what makes you think i want to talk to someone?"

"Well youre talking to me arent you?" He giggled and handed me back my paper. "Sorry I didnt catch your name?" He started at me with those eyes and just then i actually started paying more attention to his face. It was in fact a nice face. I broke from my thoughts when he cleared his throat.

"Well shouldnt a man introduce himself first before asking a ladies name?"

"Sorry my bad. Im Ashton"


"Thats a nice name and it suits you" he smiled.

The bell rang and i quickly got up and walked over to where my next class was. I felt a tap on the shoulder and saw Ashton.

"Wow I almost lost you in this crowd I didnt realize how short you were" he smiled as he looked down on me.

"Well shit its not my fault youre a fucking giraffe."

"Hey! No swearing! And im no giraffe. You are just small."

"Okay... Why are you following me?"

He paused for a moment like he was thinking of an excuse then he responded "Well i didnt want little miss sunshine over here to get lost on her first day and im keeping you company."

"Well youre old as hell and tall as hell it might look like youre trying to kidnap me."

We walked and walked till i got to my next class then Ashton leaned against the door frame not allowing me to enter.


"Thats no way to treat your company keeper. Did you want to walk home together after school since i am your neighbor and new friend" He looked down at me and smiled eagerly waiting for a response.

"New friend? And i mean i guess we can walk after school if you can manage to find me."

"With those small legs you wont get very far and yes you made a new friend today at school."

He moved out of the way and walked off. He was so tall and actually nice. Then i walked into class and glued my eyes to the clock waiting for the class to be over.

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