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Throughout the day we got an assortment of strange looks and people talking shit about the band and my shirt. The day ended and the guys and I started walking home.

"Maybe they werent talking shit about the band. Maybe it was just because we all dressed the same today?" Luke suggested.

"What are you talking about? We dont dress the same!" Michael shouted

"Excuse yourself but we are all wearing black skinny jeans with all black shoes. The only difference is our shirts." I pointed out.

"Hey it might be a small difference but its a difference nonetheless." Ashton grinned.

"Hey Calum seems like since you were seen with us in this band you lost your 'crowd'" Michael smirked.

"Michael! Be nice!!" i shouted

"Aw. Don't worry Charlie. I don't need them. I got you lads." Calum said shyly.

"Yeah. We've all become best mates with this whole band thing taking off!" Luke smiled.

"What do you mean taking off? People barely recognized us today at school not to mention they hate us more than they already did. " Michael spit.

"But we did get a lot of views online from the videos so some people like us." Ashton said.

"Maybe they were making fun of us." Luke pouted.

"Come on lads. Don't be so down. If this band thing is really going to take off and if we do have real fans somewhere, we should use this to make a difference." Ashton smiled.

"I agree with Ashton. We need to ignore the haters and make more fans." Luke smiled.

"That is true. If we try hard enough maybe we could even get signed!" Calum shouted.

"Woah there Calum, calm down." Michael laughed.

I didn't say much during their argument because it was about their band and i didn't want to get in the middle. The only thing i had done was record them. I didn't play an instrument or sing with them. I do believe that it would be great if they did get signed to a record label. Then they could really grow and make a difference like they dream.

Ashton and I got home first and we waved goodbye to the guys. As Ashton was unlocking the door I got a call from my dad. I let Ashton go inside then I answered.

"Hi dad!"

"Hey baby. How is everything going?"

"Its going good. School just started up again but the school year is pretty close to ending."

"Well I might be able to go over there to visit when you are already done with school. Is that okay with you?" Dad questioned.

"Yeah of course don't worry about it." I smiled

"I'm sorry honey. I know I said I would be over there soon but work has been crazy lately. Just a few more weeks okay baby?" My dad sound worried.

"Dont worry dad. I can wait. Its been fun over here with my friends."

"The ones you told me about ? The ones in the band?" He laughed

"Yes! Look them up online. I put up videos of them playing. Theyre 5 Seconds of Summer. Then when you get here I'll introduce you to them!"

"Alright! Alright! Calm down. I'll surely watch. " he laughed and i heard voices in the background "okay honey I'll call you as soon as I can. I have to go. Bye I love you."

"Love you too dad. Bye." I hung up and saw Ashton standing behind me.

"So you fangirl about us to your dad?" He laughed.

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