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"ASHTON??" I yelled as I entered the house. I didn't get a response so I put my stuff down on the counter and pulled out my phone.

I dialed his number and it rang shortly before he sent me to voice mail.

"Fuck you then." I said to my phone putting it down.

I walked into the kitchen in search of food and found myself climbing on the counters to get to the good food. Ashton thought that by putting the food way up high I wouldn't be able to get to it. I looked through the stuff and it was all labeled 'Ashton' I laughed and took the food.

I sat down on the couch eating Ashton's food, thinking about how he was going to yell at me for eating his snacks when he got home. I turned on the TV and started watching my favorite show.

After watching shows back to back I looked at the clock and it read 5:15. Fuck Mark would be here in less than an hour and i was sitting on the couch eating like a fat ass.

I climbed the counter and put Ashton's snack back and then ran upstairs. I quickly showered and looked through my clothes. I pulled on a black dress, not wanting to force on some skinny jeans. I quickly brushed my hair and decided to put on a little makeup since I looked dead. I pulled on some long socks and tied my vans.

I looked at my phone and it was 5:55. I made my way downstairs and looked for my sweater or jumper as Ashton would call it. As soon as i found it i heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Mark standing there.

"Hi." I said

"Wow you look great." He smiled.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"Just trust me okay?" He smiled. I locked the door and followed Mark.

"This is totally my car and not my mothers car." He smirked pointing at the car in front of us. He opened my door and i climbed in.

Hopefully I got home before Ashton did or he was going to be pissed.

Mark climbed into the car and he started driving.

"Can I turn up the radio?" I said shyly

"Yeah of course." He said.

I turned it up and heard Good Charlotte playing on the radio and without thinking, started singing. Mark followed and we both started violently singing along.

We pulled up to a little Chinese restaurant. Mark parked and quickly came around to open my door before i could open it myself. We went into the restaurant and sat down.

"This is a cute little place. I like how small it is." I said looking around.

"Thats good because i don't really like loud places then i wouldnt be able to make conversation with you." He said looking down at the menu.

We ordered and when our food came we started having fun. Mark kept playing around with the noodles and making the pieces of chicken dance. We were so loud that the few people that were there looked annoyed.

"I think we are annoying everyone" i said laughing.

Mark looked around and shrugged.
"I'm going to pay a hefty price to sit here and dine finely!!" He shouted.

The waiter brought over the bill and i took out my wallet, ready to spilt the price. Mark quickly stopped me.

"Charlotte please let me pay? I invited you. If i was poor then i would ask you to spilt it but im not poor yet." He smirked.

"Charlie." I corrected him and he looked at me confused.

"My friends call me Charlie." I said shyly

"So i guess we are friends now." He smiled.

"It would be rude to go out to dinner with someone and still not accept their friendship." I smiled and he laughed.

We left the restaurant and i checked the time. It was 8:30 and if Ashton wasn't home by now i was going to be pissed.

"So Charlie do you live in that house all by yourself?" Mark asked.

"No. I live there with Ashton." I said.

Mark had a sad face as he responded shyly, "Is Ashton your bo-"

"Brother." I said interrupting him.

"Ashton is your brother? I had heard about him around school but i never heard of him having a sister." He said confused and i laughed.

"Its a long story.." I said.

"Its going to be a long drive" he smirked.

"Well long story short, I live with Ashton because my Dad is in America and my mother abandoned me. I see Ashton as an older brother and he truly lives up to the role." I said

"Well that sounds complicated. But it makes me like Ashton." He smiled.

"Well no one can really not like him." I smiled.

"So no boyfriend then? Not even Michael or the other guys?" He said curiously.

"No im not dating Michael, Luke or Calum. I love them all but no." Mark just smiled in response.

We got to my house and Mark looked over to me.

"This is you." He said.

"This is me. Thanks I had a really great time." I smiled.

"No thank you for agreeing to go with me." He smiled.

"I would do it again." I laughed.

"I'm going to take you up on that." He smiled and i got out of the car.

"Bye Mark. See you tomorrow at school."

"Bye Charlie." He waved then drove off.

I walked up to the house and unlocked the door as soon as I walked in i heard my name shouted.


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