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"LET HER GO!" Ashton yelled pulling him off of me.

He pinned him down and started punching him senseless. I started to run toward Ashton but someone grabbed me. I started yelling and hitting whoever was holding me.


I turned around and saw Michael holding me. Ashton cried out in pain and Michael ran over to help him. I looked toward Luke who was on the floor and I ran to him.

"LUKE!!" I yelled. I turned around and saw the guy that Luke was fighting unconscious.

"LUKE WAKE UP!!" I yelled shaking him.

"Are you okay charlie?" He said weakly. He sat up and hugged me.

"I'm fine! Are you okay!" I shouted.

"I'm fine. I just took a nap thats all. Where is Calum?" He asked.

"There he is!" I shouted helping Luke up.

He was fighting Jake but Calum was winning. Luke ran over to him to break up the fight and I went back over to Ashton and Michael who were running over to me. Ashton hugged me tightly and i started to cry.

"Are you okay?? I'm sorry I didn't protect you? Are you okay???" He cried out holding me.

"I'm fine. Its fine. Are you okay? I saw you on the floor and I panicked." I cried.

"Oh god. Look at you. Look what he did. That fucking asshole!!" Michael yelled looking at me.

I looked down and my shirt was torn and I was a mess.

"I'm fine Michael." I reassured him.

I held out a hand to Michael since Ashton wouldn't loosen his grip. The 3 of us walked over Luke and Calum as they ran to us.

"Aw shit! Look at you Charlie. Look at what i caused. This is all my fault! I'm sorry Charlie. I'm sorry forgive me!" Calum cried out.

"Its fine! It wasnt your fault Calum. They are just assholes." I said wiping away my tears.

"We got them all. Lets go. I dont want to be around them anymore." Luke said annoyed.

We all walked over to the car and climbed in. Ashton started driving to the house and it was silent. When we got to the house Ashton quickly came to my side and tried to pick me up. He winced and grabbed his side.

"I can walk Ash. You cant!" I said.

I wrapped an arm around him and helped him in the house. Michael helped Luke and Calum get into the house. The 4 of them sat on the couch and l quickly rushed to the bathroom to get supplies to clean them up. I looked over and Ashton looked the worst.

"You have blood on your hands and your face." I said.

"It was worth it." He said.

I started cleaning his hands and then bandaged them.

"Your hands are still shaking." I said.

I started on his face which wasnt too bad once i cleaned all the blood. He only had a cut on his check, lip and his nose was bleeding.

"I don't think its broken." I reassured him. He nodded.

"Lift up your shirt." I said. He did and he already had bruising on his ribs. I touched them and they didn't feel broken.

"I think you will be okay but you should have those checked out." I said and he laughed then quickly grabbed his side.

"When did you become a doctor?" He said.

"I'm a woman." I laughed.

"It comes naturally." Luke added.

I looked over to him and he was next.
He had a cut on his cheek, forehead and lip. I laughed.

"You guys had blood on you but it wasn't yours!" I smiled.

"We won." Michael smiled.

I went over to him and bandaged his hand and closed a cut on his face. I walked over to Calum but he looked away.

"Just give me the things. I can do it myself." He said shyly.

"It wasn't your fault Calum. Besides you don't even know how to clean the wounds." I laughed.

He turned around and let me patch him up.

Ashton grabbed me and walked me over to the bathroom. "Its your turn." He small smiled.

I had a small cut on my face probably from where I got slapped. I grabbed a wet towel and wiped away the spots where he kissed me.

"I'm sorry that I couldnt protect you." Ashton looked down.

"Hey you did protect me." I smiled and hugged him.

"Lets get back to the guys." I said and we walked back to the living room. I stopped at the stairs.

"I'm going to change this shirt. I'll be back down in a little." I said. Ashton nodded and I walked up to my room.

I took off the torn shirt and threw it away. I looked through my things and put on one of the shirts Ashton had given me. I liked over big and comfortable they were. I heard a knock on the door and went to open it. Michael was standing there and he pulled me into a hug.

"What did he do to you?" Michael said seriously.

"Nothing. It was nothing." I small smiled.

"If it was nothing you wouldnt have kicked and screamed and looked at me with terror in your eyes when i grabbed you." He looked down at me seriously.

"Michael. He just...." I couldn't say it.

"Did he.... Touch you?" Michael said softly. I slowly nodded. He pulled me into another hug.

"No wonder Ashton beat the living shit out of him." Michael said.

"I guess our painting plans are cancelled huh?" I laughed.

Michael looked down at me and smiled.
"We could still do it. Just have to see if the guys are still willing." He smirked. I nodded and we walked down stairs.

"Still want to paint?!!" Michael shouted.

The guys faces lit up and we all slowly made our way out the door and into the car.

"I'll drive if you want Ashton" Michael offered. Ashton nodded and they switched places.

We made it to the apartments and all got off. We threw the paint cans over the fence and Michael and I helped Ashton over since he was in the worse shape after the fight. We all made it over the fence and Ashton smirked.

"Lets get to work." He smiled.

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