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Beep, Beep, Beep

My eyes were heavy and i had a massive headache. I heard voices whispering around me but i couldn't tell who it was.

Beep, Beep, Beep

Where was I? It was cold here and it smelled clean.

Beep, Beep, Beep

I finally opened my eyes and it was really bright. I look down at my hands and I had an IV in one of them. I looked around the room to find... Luke? His hands in his face. He looked worried, pale, tired.

"Luke what the fuck?"

He jumped at the sound of my voice and approached slowly grabbing my hand. His big blue eyes were attentive and his blonde hair a mess. His hands were cold and shakey.

"Hey.. Are you okay?" He spoke softly.

"My head hurts. But why ? What happened?"

"You're in the hospital. You don't remember anything?" I looked around and realized that i was in fact in a hospital. But i didn't understand why. Tears filled my eyes at the frustration of simply not knowing.

Luke squeezed my hand. "Hey its okay don't cry. I'm going to get the doctor." He went to stand but i quickly pulled him down again.

"Please don't leave me alone here. Please. Where is my mother?" I pleaded.

"Okay. I wont leave but the doctor is going to explain everything to you."

My head started pounding then Ashton stumbled in the room looking like hell. He had a bruised lip and looked like he had been punched in the face. He looked at me and dropped the bag he was carrying. He took a place next to Luke and put a hand on my thigh.

"Oh god. Are you okay? How are you feeling?" He had a concerned look.

"I- I dont remember anything." I started to cry. They both looked at each other then back at me.

"Well whats the last thing you remember." Luke said.

"Um... We- it was- we were at the park?" I questioned.

"Yes we did go to the park" Ashton smiled.

"-and we dropped the guys off. Then you dropped me off. You got off the car-" i trailed but that was it. Thats the last thing i remember.

Ashton looked devastated. "Yes well after that-" the doctor barged in interrupting Ashton.

"Well, you are finally awake. You have a headache am I right?" The doctor said to me and i nodded. "Do you remember what happened?" My eyes filled with tears and the doctor understood.

He pulled Ashton and Luke aside and spoke to them in silence. After several nods and worried looks. They all came back.

"Charlie. We are giving you a choice you can either wait till your own memory comes back with time or we can tell you" i thought about the doctors offer and i had decided. "I want to find out on my own. But i do want to know where my mother is."

They glanced at each other and Luke spoke "Shes fine. But you cant see her right now. We are gonna be here for you and we arent going to leave your side okay?"

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