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I sat on the bathroom counter while my mother looked at the side of my face where Ken hit me.

I winced every time she came at me with that cotton ball soaked in the fires from hell.

"Im so sorry Charlotte. I didnt think he would ... And it happened so fast..." A tear fell from her eyes.

"Its okay mom. Rather it me than you" i small smiled.

"You might have a mark on your face tomorrow at school. OH I ALMOST FORGOT. How was school Charlie?" She smiled and waiting for me to tell her some juicy story.

"Well it sucked. I only went to maybe 3 classes but i made a friend" She jumped at the sound of this.

"You made a friend? Tell me all about this person. Girl? Boy?"


"Is he hot?"


"Im sorry honey. Whats his name?"

"Ashton. Hes tall with curly hair and he nice. He even walked me home"

"He walked you home?"

"Well yeah he lives next door"

"He is our neighbor? Well why dont you invite him to diner tomorrow?" Her face lit up at the thought that i actually had a friend here.

"No thank you. Not after what happened with Ken earlier and then again right now. No Ken already met him and he -"

"When did he meet him" She suddenly became serious.

"When i got home from school. He came over to give me a book and your boyfriend was a complete gentlemen."

"Well that wont happen. Invite him to diner i want to meet your friend"

"Okay ... Oh and hes walking me to school tomorrow"

As i walked away my mother made kissing noises at me and i just laughed.
I went to my room and laid down. My eyes fell heavy and it was easier to fall asleep with my new looking room.

Next morning

I woke up and rolled out of bed. I put on the same pants as yesterday an All Time Low T-shirt and my shoes. I went into the bathroom and washed my face. I looked in the mirror and had completely forgotten about yesterday. The side of my face was red and my cheek was turning a light shade of purple. I brushed my hair and then put on makeup. Just as i finished my mom called from downstairs


I walk downstairs said goodbye to my mother and walked outside with Ashton who greeted me with a big smile.

"No hug?" He held his arms wide open.

"No hug. I met you yesterday you should be glad I'm walking with you right now."

He laughed and i took his book out of my bag.

"Here is your book. If you find any damages please report it to Ken the douchebag who lives in my house. Thank you" i said trying to sound as serious as possible. Ashton laughed again and took the book. He had a really nice laugh or more of a contagious laugh. But it just made me smile every time he laughed.

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