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We got to Ashtons house and this time l let Luke help me out of the car and into the house.

"You know, I'm fully capable of carrying you but your stubborn ass wont let me" Luke pouted.

I laughed. I hadnt even know these guys for a full week and they had already made such an impact on my life. Its like all the bad memories had gone away when i was around them. My parents didnt get a divorce, i was never depressed, Andy never...
Once Luke set me up on Ashtons couch he went outside to get a hold of Michael and explain the situation that i was still unclear about.

"So Ashton who shares this humble home with you?" I curiously questioned.

Ashton looked down and said "Just me. Im alone here"

"But how do-"

"Ill tell you all about it later alright? Since youre going to be spending some time here we can share our juicy secrets" he winked and ran upstairs.

I glanced around and it wasnt a typical home. There was no pictures on the walls, not one painting, nothing. It looked like an advertisement house or a house in a magazine. It was just house not a home. Just then Luke barged through the door with Michael. He ran over to me and took me up in his arm.

"Oh shit!" I yelled grabbing onto my side. I assumed my ribs were bruised.

Michael jumped back quickly looking down at me, "Im so sorry i didnt know. I didnt mean to -"

"Its fine Michael dont worry" i small smiled and gave him a side hug.

All three of us sat on the couch then Ashton came down the stairs. He came up to me and helped me up.

"I want you to see something" he smiled.

"Does that mean i have to climb up all those stairs?"

"I can help you if you want" Luke jumped.

Ashton giggled "As long as you promise not to drop her again like in the hospital."

"What the fuck? You dropped her? Shes the tiniest thing ever and you dropped her? Damn Luke you are more of a weakling than i thought" Michael teased.

They continued to yell at each other then Ashton leaned over and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Ill help you up the stairs and i wont drop you." We eventually made it up the 1,000 stairs Ashton has in his house. We walked passed his room and we stopped in front of a door right next to his.

"Its for you" he smiled and opened the door. Ashton had fixed up the room so that it was livable then he laid out all his clothes from when he was in middle school. I sat on the bed then looked over at Ashton who was leaning on the door frame.

"Thanks but i could have crashed on the couch, how am i supposed to go up and down those stairs.?"

"Well you can slide down in a laundry basket and ill always be here to help you up the stairs or we could install an elevator."

I laughed and we both paused hearing Luke and Michael still arguing.

"We should get down there before they kill each other" Ashton laughed.

The rest of the day consisted of the guys and I watching movies and eating loads of pizza. Luke and Michael eventually fell asleep on the couch cuddled up against each other.

"Aww arent they adorable?" I whispered to Ashton.

Ashton laughed and gestured for us to go upstairs. He helped me the stairs and we sat on Ashtons bed.

"So you never finished the story about this house and why youre such a lonely turtle" i laughed.

"Well im an orphan"

"Oh shit im sorry"

"Not in the way you think. My parents arent dead they just walked out of my life when I told them i wasnt going to college."

"And they gave you a house as an 'im sorry'?"

He laughed. "No this is my mums house. Well technically it is my house.. Well its a long story" he shrugged

I scooted toward him eagerly "well ive got the time"

He smiled "A couple years ago I told my father i had no intention of going to college. He got furious and kicked me out of the house. My mother didnt do anything to stop it but she agreed to set me up here so i wouldnt be homeless. My mother told me that she wasnt willing to leave her husband to have me stay at home. She was the one with all the money so i dont know why she was afraid. Anyway she gave me full access to her bank account and this house and told me not to worry. "

"Damn Ashton that sucks. I wouldnt know what to do if that had happened to me. Youre a strong person."

Ashton laughed "Most people would want this life but i honestly want a sense of family and dont sell yourself short" he giggled "no pun intended. But you are pretty strong yourself. Your parents divorced and you got stuck with some asshole for a stepdad"

"Yeah. Story time is over now, im heading to bed" i got up and walked over to Ashton who was grabbing a blanket.

"Thanks for everything" i said as i walked into his arms. He leaned into me and hugged me tightly.

He wrapped the blanket around me and then jumped in bed.

"Now leave. You have your own room"

"Rude!" I laughed and left the room. I glanced downstairs to see that Michael was on the floor and Luke was spread out across the couch like a starfish.

I climbed into bed hoping that i would regain some memory in my sleep.

"Have a good time you two! Dont get into any trouble. Stay safe!" My mother yelled from the house as my Dad and Andy drove off.

If only we knew that after that day everything was going to change.

"What- what do you mean? What kind of accident dammit tell me!" My mother screamed at the phone.

It all happened so fast. We said bye to them in the morning and by noon he was gone.

I was young but clearly remember it. I was about 10 and Andy was almost 13. He was too young , i still needed him in my life. My mother and i rushed to the hospital as quickly as we could but by the time we got there it was too late. He was gone...

"Charlie! Charlotte!! Wake up"

I woke to Ashton shaking me awake. I sat up in bed realizing the concern on Ashton's face.

"You were yelling. But of course nothing can wake those sleeping giants downstairs."

I smiled. "Im sorry i didnt mean to wake you"

He ran a hand through his hair "who is Andy?" He asked nervously

"Oh um doesnt matter"

"It does matter. Juicy secrets remember?" He smirked.

"Hes my older- he was my older brother."

Ashton pulled me into a hug and whispered "Tell me all about it"

I exhaled and began.

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