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We walked into Michaels house and you could hear the guys jamming out in the garage.

"They sound awful without me. Good thing i have arrived!" Ashton teased.

"Do you think Michael would mind if I crashed on the couch?" I looked up at Ashton whose face was filled with confusion.

"I have a headache." I pouted.

"Oh. I dont think he will mind but I'll tell him." He smiled and walked to the garage.

I laid down on the couch and felt my head pounding. I had major anxiety and just wanted to sleep it off. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.


Michael's POV

Ashton came into the door but Charlie wasn't by his side. He said Hi to the guys and made his way toward me.

"Hey it's cool that Charlie crashes on the couch right?"

"Yeah. But why? Is she okay?"

"Good, it would have been embarrassing if you had said no. I told her you wouldn't mind. She said she had a headache." He shrugged and walked toward his drum set.

We took a break from practicing and went inside to grab some water. I found Charlie laid out on the couch, her petite figure left room for two other people. I grabbed my blanket from upstairs and laid it across her. She looked fragile like a doll and i noticed tear strains down her face. I was tempted to wake her but maybe she needed to sleep it off.

I sat there and just looked at her for what seemed like forever. Her long brown hair, little hands and little feet, the way her chest slowly rose up and down. I loved everything about her. How she could stare you down with those big brown eyes and the sparkle in her eyes. The way she scrunched up her nose when she got angry. The way her laughter lit up the room and her smile made my heart flutter. Her soft touch and welcoming hugs. Her inability to stay angry for more than 2 seconds. Her adorable American accent and the way she attempted to sound Australian. Her insecurities, by now i knew them all but all pointless. She was perfect and i wanted to tell her, to show her. She deserves better than a kid like me, and how the only thing interesting about me is my hair.

I grabbed the water and joined the guys again.

"Jesus! What took you so long i was parched!!" Calum complained.

"Oh you were parched were you?" I laughed and we continued practice. Although my thoughts were still with her. Practice ended and i went to go check on Charlie. She had wrapped herself up in a burrito with my blanket and i smiled down at her.

"Oh sweet you gave her a blanket." Ashton whispered behind me. I turned around facing him.

"Yeah it gets cold in here."

"Well the guys are hungry so she is going to have to wake up sometime." Ashton smirked. He walked over to her and i stopped him.

"Let her sleep. You are going to piss her off if you wake her. You guys can go I'll stay here."

Ashton laughed. "I can babysit my own sister but I'm pretty sure she would be more pissed if we went to eat without her."

"Shh Ashton jesus cant you whisper!" I said strongly.

"Neither of you know how to whisper. Fucking woke me up. But youre right Ash i am hungry." Charlie said as she sat up still wrapped in the blanket.

We both laughed. "Told you. I know her better than anyone." Ashton smirked.

"I'd beg to differ." I said. Within seconds i realized i said that out loud and not in the safety of my own head. They both looked over to me confused.

"Oh so you think you know her better?" Ashton laughed.

"Neither of you know me. All i know is I'm starving lets go!" She stood up quickly taking the blanket with her.

"Be careful little one you might fly off!" Ashton shouted and Charlie just shot up a small middle finger while she walked toward the garage. I sighed in relief that she still didnt know i loved her.

We walked down the street to the nearest restaurant. We ordered to-go and walked to a park close by. We sat in a circle and started to eat. Luke was seated too close to Charlie for my liking. But I didn't care as long as I could see that smile. I had never seen a smile like that before in my life and i instantly fell in love with it the minute i saw it. I didn't care that i would never be with her and she would never be mine as long as i knew she was happy.

"Awe man. This sun burn from the morning is really starting to get annoying." Calum complained.

"Fuck I have a sunburn and school starts tomorrow!" Luke said laying back on the grass. Ashton and Charlie laughed.

"Whats so funny you two?" I questioned.

"Havent you guys heard of sunscreen?" Charlie said.


Everyone laughed, we finished our food and started walking back home. On the way there Charlie handed me my blanket.

"Thanks. It smells nice." She smiled.

"No problem. At least it kept you warm. That way Luke wouldnt have to give you his jacket again. " i teased looking over at Luke.

"Hey!! My jacket is great. Here Michael try it on." Luke wrapped his jacket around me and he hugged me passionately. I didn't reject his hug.

We dropped off Calum then Luke and next it was my turn.

"Alright here you are. We got you home safe and sound." Ashton said.

"Thanks. There was a real chance i would have been attacked without your protection Ash." I teased.

"Anytime mate."

"Bye Michael. See you tomorrow!" Charlie waved as she walked off with Ashton.

Tomorrow we have school again but at least with Charlie being the new member of the fam it isn't so bad. I walked up the my room saying goodnight to my mother. I laid down in bed and wrapped myself in the blanket I let Charlie use. It was so warm and had a hint of her scent. I fell asleep like a baby with that blanket.

Sorry about the Mushiness/Cheesiness of this Chapter but it was about time for someone to confess their feelings for Charlotte. ;)

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