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It was finally lunch and it consisted of randomly crashing into the same 3 people in the hallways. At one point i thought they were doing it on purpose. They were all really tall and being 5'3ft doesn't make it easy to talk to them. I was slowly starting to warm up to Ashton more as the day went on but i still wasn't sure about Michael and Luke. But they were both friends of Ashton's so i knew they couldn't be horrible.

When lunch started none of them were nearby so i found a tree in the corner of the school and sat under it. I looked up at the leaves and still thought about what happened yesterday with Ken. I get he was drunk but why would he hit me. Actually now that i think about it, he was going for my mother and I got in the way. Anxiety started to take over then a voice called my name in the distance. I looked around and saw Michael coming toward me with Luke.

"Hey?" I said shyly

"What are you doing over here?" Luke questioned. "Its so quiet over here" Michael said as he leaned against the tree.

"Well i didnt know where else to go"

"Well we came to get you." Luke said trying to sound confident. Michael laughed "Luke dont make it sound so creepy. Ashton wanted us to ask if you wanted to come eat with us after school"

"Where is Ashton?"

Luke laughed "Calling his mum to borrow the car"


Michael sat down next to me playing with the grass and Luke sat in front of me. We talked about music and they were curious about growing up in America. Then the bell rang and we had to go to class.

I walked into class and Ashton was already sitting there. He immediately questioned me.

"Are you coming with us? Were they nice to you? Did Luke trip or something, that boy is clumsy"

I small smiled "No he didnt fall. They were nice and yes im coming."

"Good i sent them so that you could send time with my mates. Theyre good guys" he smiled

"What about Calum?" I asked shyly

"Calum is actually extremely nice. He is just an asshole in school to keep his reputation."

"How do you know this about them?"

"Oh we have a -"

Just then the teacher interrupted. "TURN YOUR BOOKS TO PAGE 134"

The rest of the class left us no time to talk because we had to take too many notes. Then before i knew it i was in my next class sitting next to Michael.

"Oh hey there little one" He smirked

"I. Am. Not. Little. You are all fucking giants!!" i said as a sat down furiously.

"Whatever you say" he laughed.

The class went on with Michael throwing paper at the other students while the teacher wasn't looking and it was pretty hilarious. Then before i knew it the day was over and it was a pretty great day.

I got ready to start walking home when Ashton pulled up in his car with all the guys with him. All the guys.

Ashton was driving and Michael was sitting in the passenger seat. While Luke and Calum were in the backseat.

"Michael move" Ashton barked.

Michael looked at me passionately and said "Just sit in my lap babe" and he smirked. I threw my book at him and laughed

"Too soon?" He smiled

He climbed in the back with the other guys and i sat in the front with Ashton.

We drove past my house and i saw that Ken's car was in the driveway. Im glad i didnt go straight home today i didnt want to deal with him.

We arrived at food truck and Ashton brought us all the same food. None of us knew what it was and we didnt know if we wanted to eat it. Ashton dug into this mystery food and we all followed and it was the best thing I had ever had. It wasnt even food it was technically a desert like a cake but it didnt look like a cake.

"oh my god this is delicious" Michael shouted with his mouth half full.

Luke tried to take some from Michaels plate but Michael slapped his hand away causing me to burst into laughter.

"You have a really nice laugh" Calum said out of no where and the car fell silent. I didn't know what to think of him. He was some asshole at school just to impress other people and I don't want to deal with that so for now i decided not to even talk to him.

Once we were done Ashton drove us to park and they all climbed out and ran towards the slides and swings like 5 year olds. It was an adorable scene to watch. I calmly walked over to the swings while Michael and Ashton fought for the slide and Luke and Calum played tag.

I slowly swung myself thinking about my dad and how he used to take me to parks with Andy and mom, back when things were different. I never spoke of Andy then again i never spoke about a lot of things. Just then Ashton took me from my thoughts pushing me on the swing. I gripped the chains in fear i would fall. Then all the boys climbed onto the swings making it a competition on who could go highest. Me being little legs of course i didnt participate.

The sun started setting and Michael noticed i was getting cold so he wrapped his sweater around me causing an outburst.

"She doesnt need your jacket hot head!" Luke screamed as he threw Michaels sweater off me and wrapped me in his own.

Michael stood up offended, grabbing his sweater and coming toward Luke. "Lukey do you need my sweater? Its a little chilly out" he teased.

Ashton stood up and laughed.
"Look guys lets just leave before we all end up exchanging jackets."

Then we all got in the car and we dropped the guys off first. Surprisingly they all lived relatively close to my house. They were all within walking distances.

Finally Ashton dropped me off at my house. He got off and i realized i still had Lukes jacket, then i laughed to myself wondering if he still had Michaels.

As we got closer to the door we heard yelling, like my mom and ken were arguing and then we heard glass break. I started toward the door but ashton held me back by the arm.

"Do you want me to go in there with you?" He looked concerned.

"No its fine. Its probably nothing." I fake smiled.

He nodded and said "Well I'll be next door if you need me and you can give that  to Luke tomorrow" he smiled and drove down to his house.

With him gone i stepped into the house and prepared for the worst.


If you've read this far. Thank you so much. I'll update as soon as I can. Sorry its my first fanfic and I'm not really good.

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