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Their first video got a couple dozen views. I used that as my motivation to record them more. Each video i posted got more views and got the guys more excited.

The rest of the 2 week school break consisted of the guys mainly practicing. If they weren't being a "serious" band we would go around on adventures. I got really close to the guys over the break and I hadn't heard from my mother since I confronted her at the hospital. I got several calls from my dad asking how i was doing and how he was excited to come visit me, even though he kept moving the date.

I had met all the guys families except Ashton's. He kept telling me that I was his family now and it made me smile knowing that he did in fact truly feel that way.


"So mates what do you want to do today? We've been practicing too much and school starts back again on Monday." Ashton said as he came down the stairs. I was sitting on the couch with Luke, Michael and Calum.

Michael groaned loudly. "Fuck! Why did you have to mention school!"

"I know Ash. You are going to be out of there pretty soon while we all still suffer." Luke said annoyed.

Michael smirked. "Well I'm going to be the next one out of there. So i guess you, Calum and Charlie are going to suffer the longest."

The three of us groaned in response. Sometimes i forgot how much older Ashton is then me. He is a good 2 years older and Michael is a year older while Luke, Calum and I are the same age.

"The three of us may suffer but I'm pretty sure Charlie is the smallest." Calum smirked. "And i didnt just mean your height." The guys laughed while i crossed my arms in front of me.

"So what if I'm the smallest, you idiots still hang out with me" i stuck my tongue out.

Michael put an arm around my shoulder. "Yes we all love you but its only because youre adorable"

"So if i was ugly you wouldnt even glance at me?"

"Basically" Michael teased. I smacked him on the arm trying to look mad at him.

"Awe dont be mad at me. I was only joking." He scooted closer to me. Luke stood up and sat in my lap. "We all love you little one"

"Your fatass is killing my legs get off!" I laughed.

Ashton cleared his throat and we all looked over to him. "You still havent answered my question. What do you guys want to do?" He laughed.

"Oh yeah. Why not the beach?" Calum said.

"Dude. Just because you love to workout and you have a fabulous body to show off doesnt mean we all want to go to the beach" Michael spit.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Luke laughed still sitting on my lap.

"That we are all going to add to Calum's hotness because we don't workout everyday!" Michael teased.

"Hey! That is not true Charlie is way hotter than all of you guys... Combined." Calum smirked.

"Um no I'm not. But thanks for trying" i laughed.

Ashton walked over to Luke and pulled him off my legs.

"I was comfy there!" Luke shouted.

"You probably were but Charlie was sinking into the sofa i didnt want her to end up in Narnia or something" Ashton giggled.

"Get your shit straight Narnia was clearly in a wardrobe!" Michael said annoyed.

"Lets go to the beach guys. Where sun burns are real and self esteems are crushed."

They eventually all made their way out the door and agreed to meet back here when they were ready. I went upstairs and found my bikini, i dont even know why i put it on because i had no intentions of taking off my shirt or shorts. But i guess its just something im used to doing whenever i would go to the beach back in California. I slipped on a white T-shirt some shorts and grabbed my sandals. I put my hair in a bun and went to the bathroom to look for a couple towels. Ashton walked out of his room and laughed.

"That doesnt look like you are going to the beach. You look like that everyday"

"First of all, fuck you. Second of all, i like to be comfortable." I walked down the stairs and yelled upstairs to Ashton "How is it that I'm a girl and I got ready faster than you!!"

"Look at my arms. They're so hairy. I never noticed before. I look like a gorilla." I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Get down here King Kong! You can admire yourself in the mirror later!" With that Michael came in and looked at me in confusion.

"Did you even get ready?"

"Yes i did. I have a bathing suit under this okay!" I said annoyed.

"Dont worry man i said the same thing." Ashton said as he came down the stairs. Luke and Calum arrived shortly after and we all climbed in Ashton's car to head to the beach.

"We're here!" Ashton said parking.

"Thank god. Driving with you people is hell!" I shouted

"What did we do now?" Calum wondered

"Well you guys kept singing. Ashton was drumming on the steering wheel, that only is a safely hazard and Michael kept kicking my seat." I laughed. We all climbed out of the car and Michael walked over to me and smirked.

"I only kicked your seat to catch your attention sweet cheeks." He winked and Ashton smacked his arm.

"Thats my sister Mikey calm down." Ashton sneered. They all laughed and we walked toward the sand. As soon as we stepped on the sand i took off my sandals and put them in the backpack Ashton had.

"Want to race?" Michael smirked

"Of course not. You all have long ass legs i have no chance!" I crossed my arms and put on a serious face.

"I'll carry you babe" Michael smirked.

"She has legs she can walk" Ashton said annoyed.

"Plus it would be a disadvantage. You're carrying extra weight." I said shyly. They all laughed.

"Come on Charlie. You're lighter than a feather." Ashton giggled.

"How would you know?" Luke questioned.

"Shut up Lucas you dropped her." Michael teased "I am the only one that can say it." Michael looked down to me and said "You are light as a feather" he small smiled.

"If the disadvantage is worrying you then I'll carry Luke." Calum laughed.

"The last time you guys did that Luke was carrying Calum and Ashton was carrying Michael." I laughed.

"Yeah and that didnt turn out so well." Ashton laughed looking toward Calum and Luke.

"Thats why i offered to carry Luke this time and since Ashton won last time, he doesnt have to race." Calum smiled.

"Okay okay!! This day at the beach is starting off slow as fuck because you guys cant decide on anything!" I shouted. With that Michael gestured for me to jump on his back and i did. Luke did the same to Calum.

"1... 2... 3!!! GOO!" Ashton shouted and Calum and Michael darted toward the sea.

Before i knew it we ended up in the water and Michael and Calum were yelling at each other.

"I won!!!" Michael shouted not allowing me to climb off his back.

"No I won!!" Calum shouted.

"Ashton!!! Who won??" They both said simultaneously.

Ashton giggled and pointed to Michael and I.

"Told you babe. Light as a feather" Michael winked.

"Well can i get down now?" I smiled and he let go of my legs allowing me to get down into the water. We all got out and met Ashton who was standing at shore.

Best Worst Nightmare (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now