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We were at the recording studio for about 4 hours and the guys only recorded 3 more songs. At this rate the album was never going to be finished. We got in the car and Ashton started telling the guys about my Dad and what happened in the morning.

"Hopefully he gets Ken arrested." Luke pouted.

"Yeah he is an asshole." Michael said.

"Hopefully he doesn't try and take you Charlie." Calum said sadly.

"Shut up Calum or I'm making you get off this car!" Ashton yelled.

I told the guys to shut up as i noticed i was getting a call from my dad.


"I found your mother. I'm sorry i was so naive and didnt notice what was happening. Just know I'm going to fight for you baby. I was in a weak condition when she took you from me but I'm strong and I'm going to file for custody." He said I could tell he had been crying.

I didnt know what to say because I was happy that I was going to be with my dad but being with my dad meant being away from the guys. Knowing my dad he would want me to leave Sydney and go back to California. That might have been something that I wanted when i first moved here but not anymore. I loved the guys and I didnt know what I was going to do without them.

"Can you meet me at the house so I can introduce you to my other friends?" I said and i noticed the guys smiling.

"Yeah sure I'll see you there" He said then hung up.

"Your dad is going to meet the band right now?" Ashton said as he drove home.

"Yes. I'm sure he will love you guys." I said smiling at the guys.

Ashton drove up to the house and the guys got out nervously. Just as we stepped in the house i heard my Dad pulling up so i waited at the door. He walked up to me and hugged me then i led him in the house.

"Hi" the guys said simultaneously standing in the living room.

"Hello gentlemen.... Hello Ashton." My dad said looking at them. Michael laughed.

"Whats so funny Mikey" i said

"Your dad addressed us as gentlemen but not Ashton." Michael laughed again.

"I had actually already met Ashton." My dad laughed.

He walked over to them and they awkwardly held out their hands for handshakes. I walked over to the guys.

"You already know Ashton, this is Luke, Calum and Michael." I smiled.

"I am Tom or Mr. Fletcher. Whatever you want. As long as you don't call me Charlie's Dad. It reminds me that I'm old." My dad smiled and the guys laughed.

We sat around in the living room while Dad talked about work and the guys talked about the band. Their conversations lasted for hours and I knew my dad liked them. If he didn't like someone he simply wouldn't talk to them.

"Are you hungry Tom?" Ashton asked.

"Why do you ask only me?" My dad said confused.

"Because these lads are always hungry." Ashton laughed.

"Lets get pizza!!" Michael shouted.

"I really like your hair Michael." My dad said looking over to Michael.

"Oh. Thank you. I dont know what i was thinking when i first did this but now there is no going back." Michael laughed.

"Oh sorry i got sidetracked. Pizza is fine if you kids want to eat that." My dad shrugged.

"Okay we will go get it." Luke said looking at Calum and Michael.

"I guess we are going to get the food." Calum laughed.

The three of them left leaving Ashton and I with my dad.

"So what did mom say?" I said looking at my Dad.

"She didnt deny that she didnt stand up for you and I told her that I was going to file for custody." My dad sighed.

"What did Ken say about that?" Ashton asked

"He smiled. He didnt seem to mind. But when your mother got upset he started getting upset. Weird team those two." My dad shrugged.

"Well. Are you actually going to file?" I said shyly.

"Yeah tomorrow I am going to do it. I want to get it done. I dont want her being legally attached to you." My dad said annoyed.

Ashton and I didn't say anything about it anymore. Instead Ashton turned on the TV. We watched TV for a little then the guys came back with the pizza. While we were eating Luke smiled and looked over to Ashton and I.

"Guess what?" He smiled

"What?" Ashton said.

"Adam moved to the gig to tomorrow!" Luke shouted.

"WHAT?" Ashton yelled. "WE ARENT READY!!" He shouted.

"Yeah you guys are. You recorded like more than half the album. You guys can do more performances and start to tour." I said

"So much faith." Calum said

"I told Adam that I believed in you guys and the band." I said eating some pizza

"Well thanks Charlie you are making us work!" Michael teased.

They panicked about the gig tomorrow for hours and my Dad found it amusing.

"Can i go to the gig?" I asked my dad

"Yeah of course. Courts are boring. I wouldn't want you having to deal with the custody battle if you didn't have to." He said.

The guys left and Ashton offered for my Dad to sleep here with us but he declined. My dad left leaving Ashton and I in the house.

"Excited for tomorrow?" I smiled.

"Totally. Hopefully the guys don't forget the lyrics while we play." He laughed.

"You guys will be touring in no time." I smiled.

We went up the our rooms and went to sleep. I looked at the walls that the guys had painted and just smiled.

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