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After getting paint from Luke's house we drove up to these apartments under construction. All the guys climbed out of the eagerly and grabbed the paint. Ashton and Michael prepared to jump the fence.

"Wait!" I shouted.

"Why???" Ashton whined.

"What was the point of wearing all black if it is the fucking morning and we are out in the open. Usually people wear all black to blend in at night!" I shouted.

They all walked over to me and laughed.

"Youre right. We are really dumb guys!" Calum laughed.

Lukes phone started to ring and he walked off and answered it.

"So what are we supposed to do meanwhile it gets dark?" Michael asked.

"We can go practice." Calum suggested.

Luke came back over. "Change of plans guys. That was the record label and they want us to start recording." He said.

"You guys are going to make an album already?" I questioned.

"Yeah. We got to make money somehow." Michael teased.

We all climbed in the car and Ashton drove off.

"What to drop me off at home so you guys can go record?" I asked Ashton.

"Nope. I told you. I fully intended on taking you to everything having to do with the band." Ashton laughed.

"Yeah. You are the one that got us signed." Calum pointed out.

"What?? Me??" I was confused.

"You did put us on the internet." Michael said.

"Yeah we are only a band because of you." Luke smiled.

Wow. I never looked at it that way but I guess they were right.

"So you guys actually started writing your own music?" I asked.

They all looked at each other and didnt answer. Instead, Calum changed the subject.

"So Charlies Dad is coming soon."

"Yeah tomorrow." I said shyly.

"Oh cool we get to meet him!" Luke smiled.

"What if he doesn't like us?" Michael said shyly

"Always so down mate. He will like us." Ashton reassured them.

I turned up the radio and we all sang to every song that came on and before we knew it we were at the studio. We all got off and I followed closely behind the guys. It was really awkward since I wasn't a part of the band. The manager directed them into the room and then noticed me.

"So you are Charlie?" He smiled.

"You know me?" I asked nervously.

"The guys mentioned you recorded them. Thanks to your videos we found them." He smiled and led me to a room.

We were in a different room then them. They were in a box sort of and we were watching them through the glass. Everything was set up. Their instruments were there and microphones. It was the real deal. They all looked nervous, except for Ashton. He sat behind those drums with the biggest smile.

Adam, their manager, pushed a button and leaned over to me. "They can hear you when we push this button."

"Come on guys! We got to get working because I have already booked you a gig at the Annandale Hotel next week." Adam said.

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