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The guys grabbed some food then headed over to their own houses to take showers and change. I slowly walked up the stairs and looked through the clothes Ashton let me borrow. He knocked on the door then came in.

"You know I have my own clothes. Would you come with me to my house to get some?" A worried look took over his face.

"No. I dont think its a good idea to go over there until you remember."

"What if i dont remember."

He shrugged. Then looked towards me with a small smile. "You will remember."

"How many days of school have we missed?" I looked over to Ashton

He laughed. "We are on break for two weeks!"

"Im sorry my memory has been failing me recently" i teased.

Ashton went into the shower and i went downstairs looking for a phone. I found Ashtons on the counter and dialed my Dad's number.



"Where have you been? What phone are you calling from? Where is your phone?" My dad asked sounding worried.

"My friends phone dad. Im fine. I just lost my phone." I said trying to sound okay.

"Well why hasnt your mother replaced it?"

I thought for a second and decided not to tell him about what had happened.
"Shes been busy honestly she doesnt even know i lost it"

"Well she needs to be more attentive to you" he said annoyed.

"Hows work dad?" I said desperately trying to change the subject.

"Its been good. I have to go over to Hawaii soon to do a job over there. But I'll still call you as much as i can okay baby?"

"Hawaii? Bring me back something from Hawaii okay dad." I laughed.

He laughed too and simply said okay. I heard the water turn off upstairs and knew Ashton would come looking for me soon.

"Okay dad I've gotta go but I'll call you as soon as I can"

"Tell your mother to fix the situation with your phone. I love you Charlotte."

"I love you Dad" i hung up the phone and left it on the counter. Just then Ashton came down the stairs.

"We need to go to the store. Can you call Luke and Michael so they can go with us? My phone is right there"

I nodded and called the guys, they agreed. I went back upstairs and found the smallest shirt Ashton had given me and looked through the bag I took home from the hospital. I found a pair of my pants and Luke's jacket that i never gave back. I put my pants on Ashton's shirt and Luke's jacket. I looked like a charity case with all these different clothes on.

I heard the guys downstairs apparently they dont knock. As i walked down the stairs. Luke yelled "Hey thats mine!"

"Yeah i forgot to give it back to you"

"Luke come on. It looks better on Charlie" Michael smirked.

Luke pouted "I can be beautiful too"

I laughed and when Ashton came down the stairs we all climbed into Michaels car. Realizing how childish they were this morning I couldn't imagine how the store was going to be.

We pulled up to the store and Michael picked me up and put me in a basket.

"What the fuck? I can walk" i stood and he moved the cart causing me to sit down again.

"Well i want to push you in this cart." He smirked and Ashton climbed into another cart and yelled "LUKE IM YOUR BABY TODAY PUSH ME!" Luke laughed and pushed Ashton in the cart.

We got strange looks from everyone in the store. Moms looked at us annoyed and kids looked to their moms wanting to do the same.

"How pissed do you think the store manager would be if i did this?" Ashton said as he stretched his arm out knocking over everything on the shelf as Luke pushed him. Michael laughed and i covered my face in embarrassment.

"Are you guys ever going to mature?" A voice called out from behind us and i knew who it was. Calum.

Luke let go of Ashton and the cart and turned around clinging to Calum. Ashton got out of the cart and smacked Luke on the arm for letting him go.

The 4 of them talked for a while then Calum came up to my cart.

"Hi" he said shyly

"What?" I said annoyed.

"Charlie I -"

"Only my friends call me Charlie. Im Ms. Fletcher to you"

Calum laughed. "Ms. Fletcher, i really want to start over with you. We got off on the wrong foot. "

I looked and all the guys were looking at me with pouting faces and i nodded. Throughout the store the guys knocked over items on the shelf and raced through the isles.

It took us 3 hours to leave that store and we didnt even buy anything. When we got into the car Calum left with us.
Ashton leaned over to me and said "Well next time we wont take the guys so we can actually buy food." I laughed and we went back to his house.

Calum ordered pizza and the 5 of us watched movies the rest of the day.

Night fell and Calum stood up "Lets go to the beach"

"What? Its dark and cold people go to the beach when its sunny and hot." Luke questioned.

"Plus people usually go to the beach at night to fuck" Michael added.

"You guys are so negative lets just go" i said. It didn't take much convincing and we all ended up climbing into the car and headed to the beach.

The closer we got to the beach the colder it got. Michael noticed i was shivering and slipped off his sweatshirt. He handed it to me. "Take Lukes jacket off. Its for style not for warmth" i laughed and took it off

"Hey" Luke shouted.

Ashton leaned over to me and whispered. "I told you they were going to fight for you" i laughed and slipped on Michaels sweatshirt. I will admit it was much warmer.

We got to the beach and just sat there in silence looking up to the sky and listening to the waves. Calum's idea wasn't bad and maybe i wouldn't have to hate him anymore.

After a while at the beach we all went back to our houses. Except me I went to Ashton's house. This house felt more like home than the one i shared with my mother and Ken

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