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Ashton and I sat on the floor for hours. We didn't say anything to each other. We just sat there hugging. Eventually I spoke.

"I don't want to go." I said

"I don't want you to go. I don't want to be alone again." Ashton said wiping away his tears.

"Should we call the guys over. Its my last day." I sighed.

"I'm afraid of how they will take it." He said.

We helped each other up and made our way over to the couch.

"I don't want to leave without saying goodbye." I said pulling out my phone.

I texted the guys to come over. By now they should be awake.

"They should be on their way." I said looking down.

Ashton and I didn't say anything while the guys made their way over. They knocked and then barged in being loud as fuck.

"Do you guys have food?" Michael laughed.

"Yeah why are we here." Calum said.

"We saw you guys yesterday!" Luke smiled.

They all paused in their tracks looking over to Ashton and I.

"Whats wrong?" Michael said concerned.

Ashton gestured for them to come over to the couch and they did. Ashton and I stood up looking to them. I let out a deep breathe.

"So last night, my dad came over and told me that he won the custody battle." I said.

Michael looked down and Luke put his hands over his face. Calum looked around confused.

"Isn't that a good thing? I mean you wont be with your mum anymore." He said.

"Yeah thats true." I small smiled.

"But there is more." Ashton sighed sitting down on the floor.

"Since my Dad won... He is going to take me back to America." A tear escaped my eyes.

Their eyes widened and they sat in shock. Luke eventually got up and hugged me. Calum went over to Ashton who was crying again.

"When?" Michael said.

"Tonight." I said shyly.

Luke hugged me tighter and Calum hugged me too. Michael stood up full of anger.

"THIS IS BULLSHIT!" He yelled. "HE CANT JUST TAKE YOU AWAY. WE ARE YOUR FAMILY!" He screamed with tears in his eyes.

Ashton got up and walked over to him and hugged him. Eventually we all joined in one big group hug.

"I need help packing up my things. Will you guys help me?" I small smiled.

"Yeah I think Lucas can put away your makeup and such." Calum laughed wiping away a tear.

We all slowly made our way up to my room.

"Fuck we need boxes?" Luke questioned.

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