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"Why would you say such nonsense?" Ashton asked grabbing my hand.

"Just because you are going to be busy now and I dont want to get in the way of that." A tear escaped my eye.

"Charlie." Ashton said pulling me into a hug.

"What makes you think we would just get up and leave without you." He said. "We fully intend on taking you with us to every event and every recording."

"I actually have school." I said shyly

"Can't you do that thing that Luke and Calum are doing?" He questioned.

"I think a parent needs to agree to that. My mother is gone and I cant ask my dad without telling him everything." I sighed.

"You should tell your dad." He said

"And you should tell your mom that you are dropping out of school." I laughed.

"So we both have parent issues but thats why we are sticking together because we are family." Ashton said.

"Okay. I wont leave don't worry." I smiled.

"Oh I wasn't worried. You didn't think I would actually let you leave right?" He laughed.

Ashton hugged me while rubbing my back for a while until Michael knocked on the door. He stood in the door frame until i gestured for him to come in.

"Luke and Calum are downstairs eating your food." Michael said.

"How disrespectful." Ashton quickly got up and ran downstairs.

Me and Michael sat in silence trying to hear downstairs. It didnt take long before we heard Ashton yelling.



"CHARLIE!!!" Ashton shouted and I just laughed.

Michael stood up and walked over to the window.

"Whats wrong?" I said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"This is real now and it's really scary." He said shyly. I stood up and walked over to him.

"It is pretty scary but its something you guys can handle together." I smiled

"But the routine we have of going to school and just practicing and hanging out here is gone. We might end up famous and what if we end up being one of those stuck up bands." He said.

"You guys are anything but stuck up. You guys are never going to mature and you will always be the same. " i laughed. "Don't worry Michael. You guys will be fine."

He hugged me tightly and then my phone started ringing. I walked over and saw it was my dad.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey honey! Guess what?" He said excited.


"I'm going to visit you in two days!" He shouted.

"Oh my god. Thats great Dad I've really missed you!" I said and looked over to Michael who gave me a thumbs up then headed downstairs.

"Can you give me the address to your house for when I go over there?" He said.

"Yeah sure..." I said and gave him the address

"Got it. I have to go and handle a few more things before I get ready to go. Bye honey see you soon!" He said kindly.

"Bye Dad. See you soon." I hung up the phone then sat on my bed.

Australia was ahead of California by like 20 hours so technically I had one day before my Dad showed up here. How was I going to tell him that I haven't been with mom this whole time? How was I going to tell him that I have been living with Ashton? How was I going to tell him about all the shit that happened with Ken? How was I going to do it? Maybe Ashton would help me. Maybe I could get the guys to write a song about it then perform it to my dad.

I shook from my thoughts and went downstairs. I found the guys fighting for food in the kitchen and i just laughed. I went over to the couch and sat down watching TV.

"Where did you go tonight?" Calum said sitting next to me.

"You want the truth?" I said. He nodded and leaned closer to me.

"I went on a date. Sort of." I said shyly.

Calum did and over-exaggerated gasp.
"You went on a date! With who?" He said.

I put my hand over his mouth to shut him up. I didn't want the guys to know.

"Its a long story now shut up." I said removing my hand from Calums face.

"They are going to be arguing for a good while. Come on spill it." He urged.

I looked over to the guys and they were in deep argument so i decided to tell Calum.

"Well i made a new friend since you guys ditched me!" I said.

"So you went on a date with him?" Calum laughed.

"No. He was annoying at first but i figured I had nothing else to do since you guys disappeared." I said.

"Was he a good kisser?" Calum smirked.

"Oh my god. We didn't kiss. It wasn't even a real date! We just got to know each other." I said after smacking Calum's arm.

"Well is there anything else I should know about?" He laughed

"My dad is coming soon. Very soon actually." I said shyly

"Well thats good at least we get to meet him. I'm sure he's better than that other douche you were living with before." He shrugged.

"Yeah he is way nicer. I'm sure he will love you guys." I smiled.

"Are you guys done being savages!" Calum yelled toward the guys in the kitchen.

"Yes we are because you are all leaving my house now!" Ashton yelled.

"Well I guess we are leaving" Calum laughed. He stood up and opened his arms. I walked into them and he hugged me goodbye.

"Move Calum." Luke said rudely moving him out of the way. He hugged me tightly while starring at Ashton.

"If I cant have your food I'm taking Charlie!" Luke yelled.

"No. You. Are. Not." Ashton said crossing his arms across his chest.

"Let go, Luke you are crushing me!" I yelled. He laughed and let me go. He kissed me on the head as he walked off and it caught me off guard.

"Bye Charlotte. Dont scare us like that again please!" Michael pleaded as he hugged me.

"Why are you all hugging me?! I'm going to see you tomorrow!" I laughed.

"Let us be over dramatic!!" Ashton yelled running to me. He pushed Michael and hugged me. I just laughed.

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