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Michael ran up to me before I could even blink and hugged me tightly.

"Thank god you are okay!" He said hugging me.

Ashton pushed him off me and hugged me even tighter then stepped back.

"Where were you!?" He shouted

"I was out." I said.

"But where? You weren't here when we got here an hour ago" Calum said.

"Ashton was worried sick and we all called you but you didnt answer." Luke said.

"You didnt call me. Wait let me check." I pulled out my phone and i had 20 missed calls from the guys and an assortment of texts.
"So i didn't get your calls. My phone was on silent." I laughed.

"We thought something had happened to you." Michael said worried.

"But I'm fine." I said.

"You could have called me and told me you werent going to be here so i wouldnt shit a brick when i got home and you werent here!" Ashton said angrily.

"No swearing Ashton." I laughed. "And i did call you when i got home and YOU weren't here but you didn't answer. You guys ditched me and I had nothing to do so i went out."

"You went out looking like that?" Calum said.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Luke said looking over to him.

"Its not like that Luke. I meant she never dressed so... fancy before." Calum shrugged.

"I just didnt want to wear pants." I shrugged and walked over to the kitchen. "Now tell ME. Where were you guys all damn day."

"You would have known if you were here earlier." Ashton crossed his arms over his chest.

"But I'm here now. So tell me." I said eagerly.

"Okay guys on 3. 1... 2... 3!!!"

"WE GOT SIGNED!!!" They all yelled simultaneously.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! ARE YOU SERIOUS?? OH MY GOD GUYS!!" I shouted running into a group hug.

"Yeah! We had to sort everything out with the record company. Thats why we were gone all day." Luke said excited.

"We can start recording this week and doing shows. We even talked about a tour. This is great!" Calum said.

"We really can make a huge impact on our fans now. We can make a difference and actually talk to people and have them listen!" Ashton shouted.

"I'm dropping out of school!" Michael yelled and the guys just laughed.

"What?" I said.

"Well since the band is going to be busy and I already have a job I've decided to drop out of school." Michael shrugged.

"I was considering the same." Ashton said shyly.

"Me and Luke are going on a study plan so we can finish school without actually being there." Calum said and Luke nodded.

I took a few steps back and sat down on the couch in shock.

"So you are all just going to leave?" I said holding back my tears.

"Well, we just wont be at school with you anymore." Calum said.

I stood up still holding back some tears.
"Wow guys. This is... Amazing. I'm really happy for you guys and at least you won't have to be in that hell hole anymore. Plus you guys are going to do great with this band. I know it. I'm kind of tired though so I'm going to my room. I'll just take a day tomorrow so we can celebrate for real."

I couldnt say anything else without bursting into tears so i quickly ran up the stairs and into my room. I locked the door behind me and sat on the floor near my bed. Tears started to fall and I quickly started hysterically crying.

I was truly happy for the guys and their band. I know that their dreams were coming true and it would bring them great things but I couldnt face the fact that they were leaving me. Its selfish to think of, i know, but school won't be the same without them. Life wont be the same without them. I have gotten so used to them being around and now they are going to be busy with tours and fans and they are slowly going to be too busy for me. I know they are going to convince themselves that they will still have time for me but it would be a lie. I really wouldn't even want to get in the way of their dreams.

I dragged my blanket off my bed and wrapped myself up in it and just curled up on the floor.

Stop crying, stop crying

I heard a knock on the door and knew it was one of the guys. I didnt care right now, i just wanted to be alone.

"Charlotte" Ashtons voice said from the other side of the door.

"Are you sleeping?" He said.

"I just checked the time. I know you arent asleep." He laughed.

"Come on open the door!" He shouted.

I threw a pillow at the door. "Let me sleep!" I shouted trying not to sound like i was crying.

"Whats wrong?" He said

"Not a damn thing." I snapped

Ashton just laughed. "Charlie i know you better than you know yourself. Whats wrong? Answer me or I'll knock the door down!" He threatened.

"You're going to break every bone in your body before you knock down that door." I laughed wiping away my tears.

He stayed quiet for a while then said "Be right back!"

I wiped away my tears and climbed into my bed. Then i heard Ashton's loud steps. He fiddled with the doorknob for a little then the door swung open. Ashton stood there smirking.

"I have the key to all the doors." He smiled.

"Good for you." I said annoyed.

He climbed into bed next to me and i sat up looking away from him.

"Whats wrong?" He said poking my stomach. I smacked his hand away.

"Dont touch me. I'm fine."

"You are a terrible liar." He laughed.

"I think its time for me to move out Ashton." I said looking toward him only to find a face filled with shock and sadness.

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