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The last bell rang and i thought i was free but i ended up having to go to the library. I checked out my school books and had to carry them home since my mother was working and i didnt want to call her boyfriend.

I walked down the steps of the school trying not drop all my books and make a fool of myself. Kids were zooming by me bumping into me none of them intentionally crashed into me because i was invisible. I made it down all the stairs then i felt an elbow crash into me knocking down all my books. I looked up and saw a classmate of mine. Tall, fit, dark hair, but I didnt know his name.

"The fuck is your problem dude?" I snapped sitting on the floor picking up my books.

"Sorry. Didnt see you there.." He smiled.

"CALUM COME ON WE ARE GONNA BE LATE!" A voice yelled in the distance.

"I would help you with those books but i gotta go." He laughed and walked off. I looked up and saw someone had tripped him and i couldnt help but laugh. I looked down at my books again then heard Ashton's voice.

"Hey i saw that jerk drop your books." He crouched down and picked up half the books.

"Yeah its fine. Bullying cliche. I don't mind... What are you doing here you would have made it to your house by now"

He giggled "Yeah but we agreed to walk home together and i wasnt leaving my best friend alone"

I didnt argue with him and we walked home in silence. Ashton occasionally looked down at me trying to be inconspicuous but i noticed. He dropped me off at my house then walked to his house and waved from his door. He was strange.

I dropped my books on the kitchen table and no one was home so i plopped down on the couch. After a long day at school. I didnt want to imagine how tomorrow was going to be. Today i got there halfway through the day, tomorrow i would have to endure a full day. Oh god. My eyes felt heavy and i fell asleep.

The front door slammed causing me to jump awake. I looked and saw my mothers boyfriend, Ken, standing there.

"Why are you asleep on the couch? Dont you have a room?" He said grouchily.

"Yeah I do but i fell asleep here. Why are you being an asshole?"

"Why do you care kid. Go to your room i dont want to see you here."

He walked over to the table where my books were and he violently knocked them over placing his brief case there.
"When you go to your room take your shit with you!" He spit.

I got up, grabbed my books and stomped as loudly as i could all the way up the stairs because i knew ken hated it.

"Quit your stomping kid!!!" Ken yelled from downstairs and i smiled.

I left my books in the corner of the room and glanced at all the boxes I hadnt unpacked yet. I was too lazy to find a place for everything I had. I opened the biggest box i had knowing thats where all my merch was and went to work. I was about to start putting up my posters but i had forgotten that i had to paint. I put on an old T-Shirt and crept downstairs so Ken wouldnt see me. I made my way into the garage and found some navy blue paint and some paint rollers. I grabbed all my supplies and tried to go up the stairs unnoticed. I got halfway up when i heard his annoying voice

"What? You want to see Charlie?"

Someone was at the door, Ken was being an ass but who was asking for me?

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