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Charlotte's POV

I was woken from my dreams at 3:30 in the morning by my phone ringing. Just as I was about to answer it Ashton walked into my room wrapped up in his blanket.

"Oh good youre up. Your phone is annoying. It woke me up and i was going to answer. "

He laid down next to me on my bed and i grabbed my phone. I had 5 missed calls from Michael and 7 texts

Michael: Charlie you awake?

Michael: Charlotte?

Michael: You're asleep aren't you??

Michael: I just called and you didnt answer so you are asleep.

Michael: I'm going to wake you up.

Michael: Damn you sleep like a rock.


"Who is it?" Ashton asked turning toward me.

"Michael" I yawned.

"What is he calling for?" Ashton said as he grabbed my phone. He dialed Michaels number and put it on speaker.

"Hey i see i woke you up!" Michael said cheerfully.

"Yes you woke us both up. Its 3:30 in the morning. " Ashton said annoyed.

"Well I'm not sorry. It was an emergency." Michael simply said.

"Whats the emergency?" I yawned again, my sleeping schedule is shit.

"Oh can i come over and I'll tell you over there?" He laughed.

"Ya know if you are laughing its not an emergency." I said.

"Last time i checked emergencies consisted of you being murdered or robbed or kidnapped." Ashton yawned.

"Well its my kind of emergency and I'm almost at the door so come open it." Michael hung up.

"He called you so you go open it." Ashton said turning over getting ready to fall back asleep. I laughed and got up.

I walked downstairs and opened the door to see Michael standing there fully dressed and wide awake. He smiled and walked past me.

"What? How do you have so much energy? And whats with the backpack? Are you running away because if you are youre failing. You live down the block." I walked over the to couch and sat down while Michael laughed.

"Well i fell asleep pretty good for about 2 hours then i woke up and realized my hair is super faded. Then i needed to think about what color to do next. I picked a color and went to the store down the street to buy some things i needed and by then it was like 2am. So i called you to help me and here i am." He stood there smiling.

"The store was open at this time? Why me? You have other friends?" I questioned rubbing my eyes.

"Stop being so curious just help me color my hair for school tomorrow." He smiled and helped me stand up.

"School is technically today and thats a bullshit excuse for coloring your hair because you hate school."

We walked to the bathroom and he took all the stuff out of his backpack. Ashton came into the bathroom still wrapped in his blanket.

"What is this? A beauty station?" He giggles rubbing his eye.

"Michael wants me to color his hair."

"Can i help!?" Ashton said eagerly.

"Sure mate you cant fuck it up more than i already have." Michael winked.

I sat on the bathroom counter so i could do Michaels hair and Ashton stood next to me helping me. After about 2 hours we were done and Michaels hair was now Green.

"Awe i love it. Thank you." Michael smiled and hugged me.

"Do i get a hug? I helped." Ashton pouted Michael laughed and hugged Ashton. I looked at my phone and it was almost 6 in the morning.

"We have school in a couple hours and I havent slept. " i groaned.

"You havent slept for the past 2 weeks." Ashton laughed.

Michael went to the kitchen to eat while Ashton and I went upstairs to get ready for school. I had decided that school wasnt going to be hell anymore since i have the guys now. I have become attached to them and i dont know what i would do without them.

I looked through my clothes and pulled on some black skinny jeans and looked for a plain shirt. I grabbed a marker and knew that the guys would love my new shirt. I slipped it on and put on my black vans. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and my hair. I looked at my makeup but shrugged, it wasn't worth the effort.

I walked down the stairs and Michael was sitting on the kitchen counter eating a cereal.

"Hey!!! I love that shirt!" He said with his mouth half full. I heard Ashton coming down the stairs and turned around to face him.

He looked over to me and smiled.
"I told you that you would be our first groupie!" He giggled.

I wrote 5 Seconds of Summer on my shirt in a black marker. So far half the band approved. We all left the house and walked to Michaels house so he could get his school stuff. Then we started walking toward Luke and Calum's houses. We got to Luke's house and i started toward the door. Michael grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Wait! I'll call him." He smirked and Ashton just laughed. I was so confused.

"LUCAS COME DOWN HERE AND GET AN EDUCATION!" Michael yelled. I quickly covered Michaels mouth getting him to stop yelling. He laughed and Luke opened an upstairs window.

"I'll be right down." He smiled and then he came out the door. He hugged me and looked down at my shirt and smiled.

"Nice shirt!" He winked.

We walked toward Calum's house and Michael yelled again. I didnt stop him this time.

"I love the shirt Charlie. Make me one." He pleaded.

"I can't. Its a custom job." I teased and they all laughed.

We got to school and everyone was whispering as we walked through the halls. We all noticed it but none of us knew why. All of a sudden a couple girls came up to us and started smiling.

"You guys are 5 Seconds of Summer!" They yelled. All the guys looked around confused. I pulled Ashton down to my level.

"Told you the videos were a good idea. Now you have fans!"

"Well this whole band thing is real now!" Ashton laughed.

"Hey! We were always real!" Luke pouted. The bell rang and we went to class.

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