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"You arent going to say anything?" My Dad said.

"I'm sorry. I'm tired we just got home today from being on tour." I yawned.

"Oh i'm sorry honey. I just couldnt wait to tell you the news!" He said pulling me into a hug.

"Its great news Dad." I small smiled.

"But we can talk about it tomorrow. I'll let you guys sleep because you do look like shit." He laughed

"Well thanks for that compliment." Ashton laughed.

My dad got in his car and drove off. Ashton and I went back inside and we went upstairs to his room. He sat on the bed and gestured for me to sit next to him.

"What do you think is going to happen tomorrow?" He said as i sat next to him.

"I'm not sure." I sighed.

I knew what it meant that my Dad won the custody but i didn't want to tell Ashton. I didn't want to worry him or the guys about me leaving when the band and everything is going so well. Although I'm pretty sure he knew what it meant too.

I looked over to Ashton and he was starring at the walls and our painting skills.

"This room is the kind of thing that no hotel room can beat." He laughed.

"Hotel rooms do get boring after a while." I small smiled.

"Hey charlie"

"Hey Ashton"

"Sleep in here tonight?" He smiled.

"Did you get used to us sleeping close to each other from being on tour?" I laughed.

"Yeah I'm scared!" He teased.

"Alright. I'll sleep in here." I smiled.

I got up and went to my room to change into my over-sized T-shirt that I sleep in. I went back over to Ashtons room and he was already stripped down to his boxers.

"Is it weird that we are so comfortable being around each other like this?" I asked.

Ashton looked down at himself and then at me. "No. I'm sure its fine." He laughed.

I climbed into bed next to him and Ashton fell asleep pretty quickly. He was pretty exhausted from the tour, I don't think he would have lasted another day. I stayed awake for awhile more thinking about what could happen tomorrow when I talk with my Dad. He will most likely tell me that we are going back home. Since I'm not 18 I cant even deny it. Its not that i don't love my father but I don't know if i could move away from Sydney, away from the guys.

I shook from my thoughts when Ashton started snoring. I smiled and closed my eyes to fall asleep.

The next morning I had gotten a call from my dad. He wanted to take me to breakfast to talk about what was going to happen now that he has full custody of me.

I managed to get out of bed without waking up Ashton, which only meant he was tired as fuck. I left him a note in the kitchen that I went to breakfast with my dad.

My dad picked me up at the house and it was pretty silent during the drive to the restaurant. We ordered our food and my Dad gave me that we-need-to-talk look and i let out a sigh.

"Charlotte me winning full custody of you means a lot of things. Some are good and some are bad." He said and i nodded.

"I know you have had a good time here in Australia but-"

"But we need to go back to America." I interrupted.

They waiter brought our food and i started eating.

"Well yeah. My work is in California. I want you with me and I know you want to be here with your friends. Charlotte my point is that we have to go back. I'm not leaving you here." He said.

I looked down at my pancakes and I ignorantly ordered the kids pancakes. The ones with the smiley face. These pancakes were happier than i was. I held back the tears in my eyes and ate my pancakes.

"You should have seen your mother when I told her that I was taking you back." He sighed.

"Did she pretend to care." I snapped still looking down at my happy pancakes.

"Charlotte I know you dont like this decision i have made but it is the best decision for the both of us." He said.

"Best decision?" I snapped looking up at him. "For who?"

He stayed silent so i continued.

"Mom is gone whatever. But even when we go back to Cali you are going to leave too. For work, every day. You aren't going to be with me. I'm going to be alone all over again. At least with the guys I was never alone." Tears fell from my eyes and i took one last bite of my pancakes before storming out of the place.

I walked along the streets mindlessly while crying and eating the pancake in my mouth. I walked for blocks before i snapped out of it and started making my way toward the house. It took me about an hour before I got to our neighborhood. My phone started ringing but I didn't answer it. Then i got a text and i took out my phone to read it

Dad: I know you are upset but we leave tonight. Please be ready. Spend one last day with your friends. Love you.

I started running toward the house. I passed by Calum, Luke and Michaels house but I knew it was too early for them to be awake. I ran to the house and opened the door. Ashton was sitting at the couch and jumped up when he saw me burst in.

"Whats wrong?" He said walking over to hug me.

I just cried. I couldnt get any words out so I hugged him tighter. We were like this for a while until i could finally make some words.

"My Dad is taking me back to California tonight." I said sobbing.

Ashton didnt respond. He just hugged me tighter and eventually we collapsed to the floor. I noticed Ashton starting to cry and it made it all harder.

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