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Ashton grabbed my hand and prepared for the story.

"They went for a drive. My dad offered to take Andrew to learn to surf. My dad was always busy with work and it was something Andy wanted to learn for years. That day Andy was so happy, his face lit up when they walked out that door." A tear i had been holding back escaped.

Ashton squeezed my hand and looked up at me "its okay if you cant continue. I understand."

"No its fine" i small smiled. "Andrew was always so happy and he was always smiling. He was always making sure my mother and I were safe and happy... We got a call and i remember my mom rushed us out of the house and I had never seen her so worried. We got to the hospital and my mother tortured all the doctors and nurses until my dad came out of one of the rooms. She walked up to him and collapsed in his arms. We were too late. Andrew was gone."

Ashton pulled me in and hugged me tightly. "You are one strong person and dont let anyone tell you otherwise."

I wiped away my tears and smiled. "You know, Andrew would have been about your age right now and you are so much like him."

"Well when i met you. I dont know i just wanted to protect you and make you feel safe because you looked so lost. I never wanted you to see my intentions in a boyfriend way. I honestly see you like a sister like my family."

"Well then i guess you got a new little sister because I will always be your family Ashton."

He laughed "Well then I guess I've got my work cut out for me because those two idiots downstairs are going to fight for you"

"Oh god." The thought of them fighting for me was ridiculous they would never want to be with me.

I glanced over at the clock and it was 5am. My eyes widened. "Why are we awake so early?"

"Time flies when youre having fun?"

I got up as quickly as i could and Ashton looked at me confused. "Lets have some more fun"

"What do you mean?" Ashton giggled

"Do you have any balloons?" I smirked. He nodded and we went into his room. He looked through his things and found a package of balloons. We went into the bathroom and started filling them up, trying not to make too much noise.
Once we had them all filled up, we tip toed down the stairs with our arms filled with balloons.

Ashton went past Michael and Luke who were now both on the floor cuddled again. I followed him and he opened the door.

"Once i open this door through some balloons at them then run outside okay? Ill cover you" he whispered. I smiled and he counted to three.

"1... 2... 3!!!" He yelled and i threw my balloons at the sleeping Michael and Luke. They both jumped up in surprise looking around to find us at the door. We both ran as we heard them calling "What the fuck!"

Luke caught up to me and wrapped his arms around me trying to take my balloons. While Michael and Ashton were rolling around on the floor. I managed to throw a balloon at Michael and he laughed coming toward me. I escaped Lukes grip and ran back towards Ashton. He got up and we both ran down the street throwing balloons at them as they chased us.

"I'm Out!!!" Ashton giggled

"Me too. Fuck!"

Just then a soaking wet Michael came over and hugged me. "Get off me youre wet!" I laughed. "Whos fault is that!" Michael yelled. Ashton sat on the curb and looked around.

"Where's Luke?"

We all looked around and Michael started calling to him "LUKEY?? LUKEY PIE WHERE ARE YOU??" I smacked his arm "Like that he is never going to come out!"

Ashton turned around and shouted "Luke what are you doing over there thats Mr. Peters house!"

"Shhhh its too early, he is probably asleep and i have an idea!"

Luke walked over to us and picked me up over his shoulder and started running.

"Dont you dare drop her again Luke or I'll kick your ass!!" Michael yelled and i could see Ashton and Michael running after Luke.

"Pay back is a bitch!" Luke laughed and threw me into a pool. I eventually surfaced and pretended to not know how to swim.

"LUKE YOU IDIOT I CANT SWIM!" I started splashing around seeing Michael and Ashton coming in through the gate. Luke rushing towards me and grabbed my hand. I looked up at him and smirked, pulling him in after me.

"How dare you! I thought you were drowning" Luke yelled. I laughed and Ashton helped me out of the pool. Luke tried pulling himself out of the pool but Michael pushed him back in.

"Learn some manners Luke! You could have broken all her bones!" Michael teased.

"Well then I'll just float here and tan" Luke said floating in the pool.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY POOL!!" Mr. Peters yelled from upstairs.

We all turned around in shock as i heard Michael whisper "Run"

We all darted out of the pool area and Luke followed closely behind. We ran a couple blocks so we could put some distance between us and Mr. Peters. We all sat on the curb and Michael laughed.

"Old people are scary! He looked like he was ready to beat us with his oxygen tank!"

"Well i mean we did invade his pool" i laughed.

"It was all Lukes idea" Ashton exclaimed. Luke just sat there smiling.

"I'm tired. Its too early for this shit!" I said standing up.

"Well i can fix that" Michael said lifting me off my feet.

"No Michael put me down!" I wiggled

"Well if it makes you feel better I'll carry Lucas" Ashton said lifting Luke off his feet. I stopped wiggling in Michaels arm and we all walked back to Ashtons house. We walked past my house and i questioned the guys.

"Where is my mother?" They all glanced at each other and then Ashton looked toward me and said "With Ken"

I just looked down in shock. How could she be with that asshole when her daughter ended up in the hospital. My dad would never do that to me. MY DAD. He didnt know what had happened.

I pushed the thought aside as we got into Ashtons house.

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