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It took me all morning but I eventually convinced Ashton to come with me to my own house to get some of my things.

We walked into the house and everything was still a mess from that night. I tried to ignore it as i walked up to my room, Ashton following.

We walked into my room and Ashtons face lit up. "Damn this is a nice room"

I small smiled. "Yeah i had just done it the day before all that shit happened. But anyway can you get that bag in the closet. ?"

Ashton grabbed the bag and ignored me while i grabbed some clothes from my closet. He looked at all my posters and merch on the walls.

"Like what you see or what?" I smirked

"I didnt know you were so into music, makes things easier." He sighed in relief

"Makes what easier?"

"Nothing. I'll be right back" he smiled and before i could respond he darted out of my room and down the stairs.

I finished grabbing my clothes and some personal belongings then walked down the stairs.

"Ashton?" I called

"Yeah I'm here. Are you ready?" He had a big creepy smile on his face.

"Yes? Why are you smiling like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like a murderer."

He laughed and shrugged. Then he helped me with some of my stuff and we headed home. It felt nice calling that house home. I actually felt comfortable there while in my mothers house i felt awkward and uncomfortable.

We walked into the house and Ashton grabbed all my stuff and put it on the couch. "Come on" he said gesturing for us to go outside.


"Somewhere fun. Lets go!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me out on the sidewalk we started walking until we got to Michaels house.

"What are we doing here?"

"You'll see." He smiled.

We made our way through the house looking for the guys. This house, unlike Ashtons, actually had pictures on the wall and i could tell that Michael didnt live here alone.

"Michael!!!" I yelled.

"Garage!!" He responded.

Me and Ashton walked into the garage to find Luke, Calum and Michael all standing in front of microphones and amps.

I laughed. "What is this? A band?"

"Hey dont joke about it. We are a serious band." Luke pouted.

"Why didnt you tell me about this before? When do you even have the time to practice?" I questioned.

"Well for starters you hated Calum. That also caused us not to practice for a while" Michael said.

"What?" I questioned. Because i hated Calum they didnt mention they were in a band.

"Yeah you needed the guys and I didnt want to get in the way of that." Calum said shyly.

"Oh im sorry guys i didnt know. If i had known-"

"You would have pretended to like Calum so that we could practice and you could become the ultimate groupie!" Michael teased.

"If i had known i would have backed off." I said shyly

"Thats exactly what we didnt want though" Michael said pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah we love spending time with you. You just needed to like Calum all on your own" Luke smiled.

"Well not like Calum as in feelings but as in friends" Michael said as he looked down to me and smiled.

"Well let me see what you've got" i smirked. They all eagerly started playing and they were honestly pretty good.

After an hour of playing their music we all sat in Michaels living room.

"So Clifford got the place all to yourself i see" i smiled.

"Yeah my parents are gone most of the time. They actually think my music thing is cool. " he smiled.

"Whats the name of this band?" I questioned.

"5 Seconds of Summer!" They all said simultaneously.

I laughed and the guys decided to play FIFA but Ashton and I went home.

We got inside and I went upstairs to unpack my things. "Ashton!! You want your clothes back?!?" I yelled to him.

"No. The odds of me shrinking are close to none but you might grow!"

"If only!" I laughed.

I took out the pictures i brought home. They were mostly of my dad and I. My dad still didnt know what had happened and i wasnt sure if i should tell him.

"What are you thinking about?" Ashton asked sitting next to me.

"Should I tell my dad about what happened?"

"You haven't yet?" He shouted.

"No. I'm afraid of how he is going to react."

"Well its up to you but i think the sooner you tell him the better."

He left the room and went downstairs. I sat there playing with my phone. I grabbed it when i went into my room so that my dad wouldnt worry. I dialed a number and waited for a response.


I stayed silent. I froze i didn't know what to say.


"Charlotte. Why are you calling?"

"Why are you being so rude?"

"You put Ken in the hospital!" She yelled.

"The fuck are you yelling at me for. Hes the asshole who almost put you in the hospital and actually put me in the hospital!!" I yelled back.

"He didnt meant to. He was drunk. You were sober and hurt him on purpose!" She started crying on the other end so i decided to be the bigger person.

"What hospital are you in? I'm going to see you" She gave me the hospital name and room number then we hung up.

"You are crazy if you think I'm letting you in that hospital." I hadn't noticed Ashton was standing in the door frame.

"I'm going whether you like it or not!"

"Okay" he sighed "then I'm going with you" he smiled. I nodded and we got ready to go see my mother and Ken.

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