Chapter 4

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The time was getting late, the sky was getting dark, and people were getting sleepy. Many of the crowd left, and I thanked them all for coming. I stayed to help clean up the mess that everyone left. "Miriam! I need help!" I yelled. Miriam came from outside and then followed by Owen and then Bruno. "Lily, they're going to stay and help clean." Miriam said happily. "Okay, let's just...get this done." "Bruno can you help Lily clean up the back yard. Here's a trash bag." Miriam said. I walked over to her and took the bag from her. Bruno and I walked outside, and it was freezing outside. "Did you have a good time?" Bruno asked, as the warm air from his lungs met with the cold air. "Yes, I did. Thank you for coming." I said. "Any time. Rumor is that my cousin, Owen, likes your sister." I chuckled. "To be honest, that doesn't surprise me. Miriam likes him too." We both laughed at the coincidence. I began putting the dirty plates into the bag. "What is your occupation? I noticed when you came, you were dressed in office attire." Bruno asked. "I am a lawyer for the criminal and justice system." I can tell Bruno was quite impressed. "Wow." Bruno said. I brushed my hair out of my face. "....and you?" I asked. "I'm a professional singer." "Impressive." I said. I grabbed the last plate and cup and Bruno tied up the bag and threw it away. Bruno came back and we began to walk back inside. "Singer huh?" I asked. "Yes ma'am." "Sing me a verse of your song." I said. Bruno scratched his chin and thought of some lyrics. "And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while, cause girl you're amazing just the way you are." Bruno sang. "That was....honestly beautiful." "Beautiful lyrics, for a beautiful woman like yourself."

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