Chapter 45

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I sat on the kitchen counter as Virgil phoned Lady Penelope

"Yes, so you don't mind Parker picking us up soon, please hurry, Olivia is getting really scared, she's never had to use me for comfort this much and she's worried that it's annoying me, when it's not, I just want her to feel safe" Virgil was having a full length conversation whilst I kept a look out

"I thought we agreed no phone calls" Lucas tutted, I jumped

"If you even think about hurting her I will kill you, I'm not even joking, you can't have her, you'll have to pry her from my cold dead hands and even then she'll be superglued to my cold dead hands because she's mine, you got that" Virgil snarled, I wrapped my arms around his waist, just for comfort "stay behind me baby, for your own safety"

He seemed mad now, I don't care if he uses ownership over me as a threat, I love it when he does that, it shows that he's trying to protect me 

"Aww isn't that cute, she can't even defend herself, look at her" Lucas laughed maniacally

"She's gone into a catatonic state, she's petrified, can't you see that for once in your sick and twisted little world" Virgil defended me, I was unable to move or speak, flashbacks and memories flooded my mind, all I could do was cry, this is how much pain Lucas has caused me, I heard the crashing of a door being flung open, Lucas was knocked out

"Parker, quick get Olivia to safety" Lady Penelope instructed, Parker placed a blanket around me and he took me to the car

"There you are Olivia, I'll be getting you some nice hot cocoa" Parker told me in his nasal voice, I sat there staring into space, I was still unresponsive, I felt a pair of warm arms embrace me

"You're freezing babe" Virgil mumbled, he nuzzled me, I let him sit down next to me, I held his hand tightly and I had to cry again "it's ok, I can't wait to get you back home with me so I can cuddle with you and help you"

"We may have a slight detour, we shall be stopping off at my home so you two can rest and recover" Lady Penelope informed us, I fell asleep a few moments later, I was awoken a little while later, I was in a powdery rose scented bed, it felt warm and inviting, I sat up and I got out of the bed and I looked for a library of some sort, I traced my finger along every spine of the books on the shelf, there was one booked that peaked my interest, it was called Lolita, I picked it out of the shelf, and I went to sit down and read it

"I knew I would find my little bookworm here" Virgil grinned and he entered the room, he saw the book I was reading "Olivia don't read that book"

"Why not" I asked

"Because it'll hurt you" Virgil told me "I've read it before and it's awful"

"What's it about then" I wondered

"Well it's about this man who's sexually attracted to children and he wants to do awful things to his step daughter, I feel sick even explaining it to you" Virgil sighed

I screamed and I threw the book to the floor

"I don't feel so good" I mumbled, I felt queasy, I picked the book up and I placed it back on the shelf, I had to throw up, I ran to one of the bathrooms and I threw up in the toilet, my stomach burned

"Olivia, baby, it's ok, please just don't read that book" Virgil begged as he held my hair back

*two days later*

I was relieved to call Tracy island my home, I felt safe

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