Chapter 53

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Gordon was nicer and kinder to me, he was more gentle and caring than his older brother, I found him in his room gently strumming on his guitar, I sat down on his bed next to him, after he was finished he put his guitar back on the stand and he walked back over to me and he kissed my cheek.

"Eh, if he's not treating you right, you'll always have me" Gordon smiled and he hugged me.

"I just feel awful that I'm doing this, I mean what if he finds out" I mumbled.

"Don't worry about it, he doesn't deserve an amazing and beautiful girl like you" Gordon reassured me and he ruffled my hair, he started to get undressed, I had to look away for a bit as he got his swimming trunks on.

"But I don't deserve you, I've been a massive jerk to you, I'm really sorry Gordon" I sniffed.

"It's ok, right I'm going to go swimming, if you need me I'll be in the pool" Gordon informed me.

"Ok, bye" I whispered, he still smelt really boyish, I've decided he's boyish but manly, I then got changed into some shorts, I went outside for a bit, watching him swim about was really satisfying, I guess it's second nature for him, in the end Virgil found me and he sat down next to me.

"I've been looking all over for you, I got really scared kitten" Virgil huffed and he kissed me, it felt horrible, he was too rough with me, plus he's a lying cheating, b*stard.

"Just get off me" I snapped.

"Ok, jeez, no hello or anything, no "oh how was your day sweetie, how are you feeling" bullcrap" Virgil muttered.

"Yeah well by the looks of your phone you have someone else to do that instead of me!" I screamed at him, I stormed off.

"Olivia wait, I..." he couldn't answer in time.

*Gordon's POV*

"Well you've really put your foot in it this time Virge" I sighed and I got out of the pool, I had to find Olivia, I needed to make her feel less upset, I found her in her wardrobe, she was crying.

"I'm sorry" Olivia sobbed and she tried to wipe her tears away.

"Shhh, it's ok, you don't need to apologise, aww you don't need to cry, it's alright I'm gonna look after you now" I laughed.

"Don't touch me, I feel horrible" Olivia cried.

"Please don't feel like that, you had a perfectly good reason to yell at him" I comforted her, I hugged her, she's adorable, I love her.

*a day later + Olivia's POV*

I entered Gordon's room, he sleeps really weirdly, he always sleeps with his body half hanging off his bed, it's really cute, I saw the scars on his back, they were a silvery colour, I slipped into his bed and I delicately traced each and every one of them with my finger, it made me happy, he suddenly woke up and he rolled over to face me.

"Please don't look at them, I feel self conscious about them" Gordon begged me.

"I won't you doofus" I giggled and I kissed him, he seemed so surprised when I broke away.

"Olivia, I...what the hell was that" Gordon wondered.

"I don't know, it was just a heat of the moment type thing" I panicked.

"Well I liked it" Gordon chuckled and he pulled me closer to him and he returned the kiss, I didn't squirm or make involuntary movements like I did when Virgil kissed me, maybe Gordon was supposed to be the one, maybe that's why he was angry at me, because I chose someone who seemed "better" than he was.

"Ahh, you're adorable" I squealed.

Gordon pinned me down, he started to tickle me and the only noise I could make was a squealing noise like I did before, I was finally able to laugh a lot more than usual because he's the family "clown" so I feel more comfortable laughing in front of him even if I snort whilst laughing.

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