Chapter 66

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"A Time To Kill, seriously Alan that movie is boring" I moaned, this was a lie, I thoroughly enjoy both the novel and the movie but I was trying to get Alan to choose a different movie as Olivia was in the room doing college work luckily she had her headphones in, I didn't want her to relive a painful memory because there is a scene where a girl gets raped, in fact this whole movie is centred around this event, and I don't want her to get scared.

"No it isn't you love that movie"Alan whined.

"Yes but we can't watch a movie that depicts rape when Olivia is here" I hissed.

"And, she's over it" Alan snapped.

"But-" I was very rudely cut off before I could finish my sentence.

"Scott said I could choose a movie tonight no matter what and no one can change my decision, she'll have to suck it up, she should have gotten over it by now, its been one and a half years since it happened" Alan growled and he put the movie on, Olivia looked up at the TV screen and she turned her laptop off and she decided to watch the movie, I sat down next to her and took hold of her hand, I was hesitant about her watching this, when it got to the rape scene I covered her eyes with my hand.

"Virgil don't be so weird" Olivia muttered and she removed my hand from her face, she seized up, she was scared, I could tell "does anyone want a drink" I heard her ask quietly.

Scott seemed worried when he entered the room, he took the remote from Alan and he skipped the movie on a bit and he ruffled Olivia's hair.

"Oh come on that was the best part" Alan whined.

"A rape scene should never be the best part!" Olivia yelled at Alan and she left the room with her laptop and by the sounds of it she ran up the stairs.

"Well I should go and see if she's ok, no thanks to you, runt" I glared at Alan and he seemed to shrink a little, I made a mug of hot chocolate and I took it to Olivia's room, she was sitting on her bed crying, I placed her drink down and I went to comfort her, her arms felt warm and inflamed.

"I'm now 0 days clean" Olivia smiled weakly, my grip around her tightened, she can't keep doing this to herself.

"Do you just want to stay up here a build a blanket fort with me" I wondered, in response she nodded so I let her look for blankets and pillows, I went to find snacks and stuff.

I changed into my pyjamas, this was really comfy, I helped construct the blanket fort.

"Wow I never knew the toughest guy in International Rescue had a soft spot for building blanket forts" Olivia laughed quietly, I feel envious of her having the ability to not grow up, she's childish and it's cute.

"Tell no one" I laughed with her and kissed her, I love her so much, I'm just doing a really sh*tty job at showing it, how can she put up with my sh*t, I don't even know why I'm in a relationship if I can't even look after myself.

"Do you regret being in love with me" Olivia asked "by that I mean would you choose someone else over me if you ever got the chance."

"I would never choose anyone else over you kitten, I don't know where you get all your ideas from" I reassured her, she looked down at her arms, oh god, how can someone as wonderful as her have her whole life f*cked up before she even had a chance to live it.

"You will in the end, you don't want anything to do with me half the time, you always push me away, why does everything I do aggravate you so much, I just don't unders-" I interrupted her by kissing her suddenly, I felt awful, I knew how much she hated it when I did this to her.

I broke away slowly, leaving her in a catatonic state, she was scared and looked like she was going to cry.

"I'm sorry" I apologised quietly and left her room, I collapsed against the wall outside and I fell down to the ground, I don't understand her thought processes, I can figure out how my brothers feel instantly but when I try and figure out Olivia's emotions I just have a complete mental block, I don't know her as well as I should, I'm an awful boyfriend.

I heard Gordon yell in pain, a few seconds later I heard a loud crashing sound, I ran down the stairs to inspect what was wrong, Gordon was on the floor, he was crying.

"Gordo what's wrong" I questioned his state.

"I can't feel my legs, Virgil help, I can't move" Gordon whimpered.

I picked him up, supporting him with my arm around his shoulder, I knew his surgeon said his injuries were going to act up but I didn't think it would be this bad, I helped him over to a chair, he looked really pale and unwell, I should take him to hospital but I need Scott's assistance.

"Olivia, get your butt down here now!" I ordered, Gordon laughed quietly at my choice of words, Olivia walked over to us.

"Gordon are you ok" Olivia asked him.

Gordon shook his head, Olivia kissed his forehead to comfort him I suppose.

"Can you help me get him to hospital, I need an extra pair of hands to carry this meme to the ER" I sighed.

Olivia saluted "Yes sir."

We took Gordon to the hospital and it turns out the metal implants holding his pelvis together had come loose and affected his spinal cord by damaging it somehow, I didn't give a sh*t that I was still in my jumpsuit, I couldn't be bothered to change into my civvies.

"I'm not sure how much of the damage we can repair this time, it could take months, even years for him to fully recover from this form of damage, he might be paralysed from the waist down permanently, I'm sorry, I'll try my best to fix it, but prepare for the worse case scenario alright" the surgeon explained, Scott opened the door suddenly.

"You just missed him, he went in for surgery now" Olivia told him.

"Ok and Virgil for gods sake go and change" Scott snapped.

I refuse to listen to that moody b*stard.

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