1. 'A Prom To Remember'

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This was the night I have been waiting for my prom night. I graduated high school on time , shit being from Compton it isn't that easy but hey I made it . Bitches these days don't even finish school all they do is fuck to make a buck , that wasn't how my sister and I was raised. My dad don't play no games. It was Saturday morning and I was so excited for the prom, its going to be the shit.

"Wake up chicken head, it's prom day bitch !." Stacey yelled, while jumping on my bed.

"Stace stop I know what day it is girl." I yawned, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Girl shut up and brush your teeth so we can get all dolled up missy." Getting off the bed.

I walked to the bathroom , closed the door behind me and did my daily hygiene. After that I went down stairs to the kitchen, I saw my brother Evan drinking orange juice out of the carton. My momma popped him on the side of his head.

"Boy if you don't get your nasty lips off that, boy don't play with me." Mommy spat , raising her hand at him.

"Sorry mama damn." while rubbing his head.

"Hush, Good morning girls ready for the big day." She said smiling ear to ear.

"You know it ma." Me and Stacey said bumping hips together.

"Good." She smiled sweetly.

"Congrats big heads." Evan smirked.

I stick my tongue out at him, Stacey put up the middle finger.

"Be nice now." Momma said while making our plates.

We sat down on the table eating our breakfast. Daddy came down stairs to the kitchen, and hugged my mother from behind. "Good morning baybeh." kissing her cheek.

"Morning papi." she blushed.

"Ewwww." Evan, Stacey, and I said in disgust. Shaking my head.

"Oh cut that noise, how you think you got here?." he said chuckling.

"Aye we trying to eat please don't spoil the food for everyone else." Evan said with a stink face.

"Whatever punk. Hey my baybeh girls, good morning." he smiled walking over to us giving each of us a kiss on the cheek and a cheap shot to Evan.

"Good morning. We so excited daddy, I cant wait to dance till my feet hurt." I said laughing. Stacey gave me a high five.

"I know that's right girl." she grinds in her seat. Stace and I are twins if didn't know, we identical but we are quite different. We have different types of style, she likes wearing glamorous clothing showing her long tanned legs and me well I'm lay back, more like tomboyish but I love wearing tank tops. I have the cutest lil flat stomach ever.

"Aye watch that shit don't make me cause a scene up in there." Dad spat raising a eyebrow at us.

"Oh stop Terrence, let them have their fun. So who are ya dates to the prom girls?. " Mama asked , starting to eat her breakfast .

I choked on my water...

"I'm going with Lorenzo Patterson. " Stacey said day dreaming about him.

Oh damn its my turn...

I looked down at my plate eating my food. "No one" I said chewing the rest.

"You going by yourself ?." Daddy said raising both eyebrows.

I shook my head. "No, actually me and Lisa are going together since we don't have dates. Besides I don't want one." I said while walking to the sink washing my plate out.

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