19.'End Of Tour'

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June 2, 1988


Well the tour is over, it was the bomb. I had fun with the bitches and shit but, I'm kinda angry. Jerry is a sneaky muthafucka and he cheating me out of my money. I'm tired of this bullshit a nigga wrote all the lyric for the album, I deserve to have my money. Me and Kim gotten real close, she's a really cool person. She ain't like these other bitches, she a ride or die type chick. I just bought a house for me and her to live in, but it's not fully paid off because of that nigga Jerry. We were finally in Compton, glad to be back home.

"Hey cube what's wrong? I notice you have been mad." Aaliyah asked as she walked up to me.

I threw my bag over my shoulder. "I'm just tired of this bullshit." I shook my head.

"What ?" She grabbed her bags.

I sighed. "I'm thinking about leaving N.W.A." I blurted out.

Her eyes widen. "Oh my god. Why Cube ?"

"Because, I'm not getting the money I deserve. I don' trust that damn Jerry, I earned that money."

"Wow, so why don't you tell Eazy ?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I did so many times, he don't fucking listen. He keep sticking up for him, can you talk to him for me? maybe he'll listen to you." I gave her pleading eyes.

"Alright, I'll talk to him." She half smiled.

Beep Beep!

"Come on cube, we gotta go." My cousin yelled from the car.

"Aight nigga." I shouted back. "See you later Aaliyah." I hugged her.

"Latah." She hugged back. While I was walking to the car, I looked over at Jerry and Eazy getting into a car together. I shook my head.

They only look after their selves...


I was in Eric's 64' as we headed to my house. For the past few weeks me and him have been doing good, we're finally official. I'm so happy, I am his and he is mine. I looked over at him as he looked forward driving. My man is so sexy, his big brown eyes, jeri curls and juicy plump lips.


"Take a picture, I'll last longer." Eazy smirked.

"Oh shut up." I giggled.

"You glad to be back home ?" He looked at me and turn eyes back to the road.

"Yea I missed Compton." I smiled. "Baby can I talk to you about something ?" I looked up at him.

"Yea wassup ?" He put his hand on my thigh.

"Did cube talk to you about Jerry ?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, why ?"

"Because he told me to talk to you about it, since you won't listen to him." He rolled his eyes. "Baby you should give him a change and see his point of view. Maybe Jerry is not giving him what he earned."

"Mannn I don't want to talk about his shit. I know Jerry, he wouldn't cheat him out of his money. He didn't do that to me." He shrug his shoulders.

"How could be so sure, I mean Cube did make some good points. He wrote most of the lyrics on the album. Don't you think he deserves to have his share of the money ?" I looked at him. He parked in front of my house.

"I mean yea, but Jerry told me that he gave him the money and Cube wanted more, Cube is just money hungry." He shook his head.

"Hmmm he didn't tell me that." I looked down.

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