29.'Guilty Pleasure'

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Excuse my mistakes

November 10, 1989


It's been two day since the intense incident with Ginuwine. And no I didn't have sex with him, I would never do that do Eric but I still did wrong by kissing him though. I'm in my house with my mom. I need her advice about the situation, because I'm scared I don't know what to do.

"So baby girl what is wrong? You seem stressed." Momma asked worriedly.

I took a hit of my blunt. "Mom I need your advice." I blew smoke out my mouth.

She nod. "Okay, but don't smoke around me Aaliyah."

"Sorry ma." I put the blunt in the ash tray.

"Now what seems to be the problem ?"

I sighed. "Two nights ago, Ginuwine come over to apologize and stuff..." I dragged out.

"Mhmm and ?" Momma motion me to continue.

"... And he kissed me... and I kissed him back." I put my head down in shame.

Her eyes widen. "Oh lord Aaliyah, please don't tell me you sleep with that man."

I shook my head. "No I didn't momma, but I don't know how to tell Eric. You know how he is, he gonna have a fit." I stood up from the couch.

"Aaliyah I know how scared you are about his reaction, but its been a few days you have to tell him now." She stated.

" Yeah, you right. Imma go talk to him right now." I agreed.

"Okay Aaliyah, good luck. I'll be here when you get back okay."

"Alright ma, see you later." I hugged her, grabbed my car keys and walked out the door. I got into my new 89 BMW M5 and headed to Eazy house.

20 Minutes later...

I pulled up to Eric's house, I looked and saw someone else car in his drive way.

Hmm must me Jerry's...

I got out the car, walked up to his door and open the door with my key. When I walked in the smell of sex and weed hit my nose. I looked around the living room and saw a women hand bag that wasn't mine.

"I know this muthafucka didn't bring some bitch in here." I said to myself. I walked towards the stairs and heard moaning. I went in my purse, took out my pistol and tipped toed upstairs.

"Mmmm Eazyyyy !" I heard. I followed that sound and they were coming from the bedroom where we make love. I kicked the door opened and started shooting the wall and the headboard.

"Are you fucking serious Eric?!? You fucking some bitch in our bed?!? You piece of shit Eric !" I yelled as I keep shooting. I heard screaming but I didn't give a fuck, I'm pissed. When I saw who it was my eyes widen.

Traci ?!?


Traci and I looked up from the sheets and saw Aaliyah with a gun. "What the fuck Aaliyah are you crazy, you shot up my fucking wall and shit ?!?" I spat a her.

"No nigga are you crazy?!? Having your baby momma up in our bed ?!?" She spat back.

"Bitch you mad ?" Traci smirked at Aaliyah.

Oh shit...

Aaliyah threw her gun down and charged at Traci. She pulled her off me and dragged her off the bed. Then she picked up her gun and slapped her with it. "Get your shit and the fuck out of here hoe !" Aaliyah spat at Traci.

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