25.'One In A Million'

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Excuse my mistakes.

August 13, 1989


Me and Aaliyah are in my 64' diving down to my momma house. I'm taking her to meet my lil ones, I think it's time for Aaliyah to meet them and spend time with my children.

"I can't wait to see the kids. I know they adorable just like their daddy." Aaliyah smiled.

I chuckled. "What can I say, I am fine huh." I rubbed my chin.

She laughed. "You something else." I smiled as we pulled up to Momma house. We got out the car and I knocked on the door. Seconds later she opened it.

"Awww Eric my baby." She hugged me tightly.

I chuckled. "Hey Mama." We pulled away.

"Well hello Aaliyah, it's been a long time sweetie." She smiled at her.

Aaliyah hugged her. "I know, how you doing Mrs. Wright."

Mamma pulled away. "Girl you know you can call me Kathy." She giggled. "Come in the kids are upstairs." We walked in and as soon as we did I heard my kids running down stairs.

"Daddy." The shouted and hugged my legs.

"Wassup guys." I smiled and hugged them.

"Hey dad." My oldest son Eric jr.

"Hey lil man." I hugged him and kissed his head.

"Hey lil Eazy E." Aaliyah cooed at him, he smiled and hugged her.

"Hi Liyah." He giggled. "Dad Imma go play outside." He turn to me.

"Alright be careful." I warned him as I watch him run outside with his brothers.

"Daddy." Daijah whined.

I bend down to her level. "What's wrong baby girl ?"

She sniffed. "I have a splinter." She showed me her finger.

"Aww it's ok I got it." I took it out softly and she didn't even notice. "See, all better huh ?"

"Yes thanks daddy." She kissed my cheek.

I chuckled. "You welcome princess."

"Daddy who is this ?" She looked up at Aaliyah.

"Hi sweetie I'm Aaliyah, your daddy good friend." She smiled.

"Hi." Daijah waved, then she whispered in my ear. "She's pretty daddy." She said loud enough for Aaliyah to heard.

She giggled. "Thank you pretty girl." She grabbed her hand. "Come on, let's go outside huh ?"

Daijah smiled. "Okay." I watched them walked outside to the back yard. I like how Aaliyah didn't get mad about how many kids I got. Usually women would have a problem with it, not her. Aaliyah's different, she understands me.

"You know she's a real keeper." I heard my mom say, I turned around.

"What ?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You heard me boy, I said she's a keeper. I know that y'all dating." She sipped her water.

"How do you know ?" I leaned on the counter.

"Because you never brought a woman to meet your kids unless you was serious about her."

I shook my head laughing. "Dang ma you know everything."

She laughed. "I thought you known that already boy. So do you love her ?" She asked.

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