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Excuse my mistakes

June 13,1988


It's been four days since the accident occurred. And I'm a depressed mess, think about when will I be happy again? When will I be myself again? I was still at Eazy's house, he's been taking care of me but for right now I need some space to find myself again.

"Aaliyah." I heard his voice, I look up and saw him walk towards me.

"Yes ?" I hit my blunt then smoke came out my nose.

"I'm about to head out to the studio. You want me to bring you somethin' when I get back ?" He looked into my eyes. I shook my head no. "You know you shouldn't be smokin' all day baby girl."

"Can you just leave please!, I just... " I began to cry. "I just need to get myself together."

"Alright, I understand." He kissed my temple. "Call me if you need me." With that he got up and left. I put out my blunt and put it in the ash tray. I went upstairs to E's room, stripped out of my clothes and took at shower. I felt the warm water hit my skin, it felt good. I ran my fingers threw my wet hair as the water fall on me. Touching my thighs it still felt sore, tears ran down my face as those same words repeat in my head.

"Scream again and I will kill you."

I cringe at the thought but I have to get my self together. I have to get better, be strong for me. I turn off the water, got out the shower and  wrapped a towel around me. I walked into the bedroom, lotion up and went into Eric's closet for some sweats. I got dressed and looked at my self in the full mirror.

"One day at a time Liyah. One day at a time." I smiled at my self the I heard the door bell ring. I panicked, E wasn't expecting any one. I grabbed his gun in the dresser, I ran downstairs opened the door and cocked my gun.

"Woah woah, baby girl." I heard a for familiar voice. I looked and it was my dad.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry Dad. I didn't now that was you." I laugh nervously, I put the gun in my waist band.

He chuckled. "It's alright I should have called first. Can I come in ?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah come in." I moved to the side and he walked in. I followed him into the living room and we sat down on the couch.

"So do you want anything ? Water or something ?" I asked, then he grabbed my hand.

"No I don't want anything, I actually wanted to check up on you." He smiled. "How are you holding up ?"

I sighed. "I'm fine just taking it one day at a time. You know, thinking about my next album."

"Hey, I don't want you stressing over your album okay. I want you to take it easy, your fans still love you and adore you."

I smiled. "Thanks Dad, since we on the subject, I want a restraining order on R. Kelly." I stated.

"Alright, It's done I'll go to the police station and get that done for you." He nod.

"Thanks dad." I hugged him. "Can you drive me to the studio, Martin said that he has people for me to meet ?"

"Sure let's go." I grabbed the house keys, follow him out and locked the door behind me. We got into his car and drove off. We arrived at the studio, I kissed his cheek and went inside.

"Good afternoon Ms. Aaliyah." Ms. Mary greeted.

"Yeah, hi." And kept walking down the hall to Martins office.

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