36.'Time To End It'

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I know what the title says, yes this is the final chapter of this book 😩. But don't worry because you already know Book 2 is on its way. Trust me at the end of this chapter, you won't believe what you read. Enjoy 😘.

Excuse my mistakes

R. Kelly mug shot in the MM.

June, 1991


When I saw Traci beaten and bruised up, flashbacks started running through my head about my tragic accident. And when she said R. Kelly my heart dropped to my ass.

"What the fuck happened to you Traci ?" Eric asked, looking up and down at her.

Traci gulped. "Robert happened to me." I shook my head.

"You lying, how I know you not here R. Kelly trynna trick us. I ain't no fool Traci, don't fucking play with me !" He spat.

"Eazy listen you gotta believe me I'm not fucking with him no mo-." She tried to explain but Eric cut her off.

"I don't wanna hear that shit, get the fuck out now !" He shouted and after that they were going at it back and forth. I was starting to get annoyed.

"Enough !!!" I yelled over them, making them stop and look at me. I sighed. "Damn, look Traci come in, everything is fine." I half smiled at her.

She looked at me and blinked. "Are you sure? You not trynna mess with me are you ?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

I shook my head. "No I'm not, just please sit down over there." I pointed to the living room. she started walking, I was about to follow her but Eric grabbed my arm.

"Aaliyah what's wrong with you ? Letting this crazy bitch in my god damn house ?" He mid-whispered

I got out his grip. "Eric stop, let's at least hear out." He sighed and nod his head. He followed me to the living room where Traci was sitting on one of the couches. Eric sat down on the other couch in front of her glaring a her. I was about to sit next to him but he pulled me on to his lap and wrapped his arm around me.


"Now, tell me what happened? And the true this time." I said to her.

She nodded. "Okay." She cleared. "Every since the awards show a few months ago, Robert has been really trippin. Say all these type of crazy shit about you and Eazy, having these ideas about getting back at y'all and believe it or no, I had enough of him and his bullshit. I was tired of working for him, it wasn't worth it. And when I told him I didn't want to be with him anymore, she went crazy. He almost killed me and I was so scared. H-he even hit our lil girl." She started crying.

Eric quickly moved me from his lap. "What?!? You let that nigga near my child?!? Are you crazy ?!?" He shouted making Traci jump, even me.

I rubbed his shoulder. "Baby please calm down." I said softly.

He took a deep breath. "Is she at least ok ?" He said as he tried to stay calm.

Traci nodded. "Yes she's fine, she is at my mothers house getting taken care of." Eric sighed in relief. "As I was saying, I had to get outta there and come here to tell you guys to watch out. He is coming for y'all and it ain't gonna be pretty that's for damn sure." she sighed.

I nodded my head. "Thanks for the heads up and I'm so sorry that happened to you." Eazy looked at me like I was crazy and Traci as well. "What ?" I looked at them.

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