2.'The Kiss ?'

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June 27, 1986


Its been two days since the prom and that... kiss. After that kiss with Eazy I've been avoiding him because its awkward to be around him, now that I have grown feelings for him. I'm afraid of telling him and messing up our friendship that is so important to me. I'm in my room writing a song, I write songs all the time and singing is my passion. Ever since "Star Search" I never stopped singing even though I didn't win. I heard the door open, it was my mom she walked in and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Hey baby girl, what you up to ?" She asked looking at my notebook.

"Nothing, just writing another song." I looked up smiling at her.

"Great, so have you chosen what college to go to baby girl ?"

"Yeah I'm going to Detroit, College for Creative Studies." I said smiling wide. My mom frown with a worried look.

Umm why?

"Aaliyah baby you know your daddy is not gonna like that." she explained

Here we go again with this shit again...

You see my dad is a business man, he worked his ass of to get his company off the ground years of hard work. He wanted me to go into business also well because he though a career in singing entertainment was a waste of time. And I didn't like that at all.

"Mama, listen I'm grown now. I have to do what's best for me, trust me mama I'm going to blow up and be the best that I can be and music is what I want to do and he just have deal with it." I stated with passion in my eyes.

"Aww look at you miss thang, that's the girl mama raised. Now give me dap." Putting her fist out.

"Oh no mama don't do that." I laughed, putting her hand down. I hugged her instead. She chuckled. "Okay baby girl, lets go talk to your father." We headed down stairs. Evan was watching Good Times, and dad was on the phone in the dinning room.

"Go ahead baby girl, I'll be in the living room if you need me." Mama whispered. I nodded my head.

Well here goes nothing...

" No look I don't care get it done by tomorrow or it's your as-." I interrupted him. "Hey daddy c-can we talk for a minute please ?" I asked nicely.

"Sure baybeh girl, James I'll call you back later." He put the phone down on the table. "So what do you want to talk about Aaliyah ?" He blinked.

"Dad I want to talk about my college decisi-."

"Oh great, so you decided to go for business like your old man. Huh ?" He interrupted smiling at me.

"NO." I shouted. "Dad I'm sick and tired of you telling me what I should do with my life. I'm grown now, its my decision and its my life." I stated.

"You better watch your fucking mouth when your talking to me." He yelled pointing a finger.

"No dad, I'm going to Detroit for entertaining Arts and that it."

"The fuck you not." He growled, raising both eyebrows.

"Oh yea? Watch me." I smirked. I turned around, went to the counter for my keys and left out the door. I went to me and Stacey's car, got in and drove off. I was heading to Eazy's house.

I need some comfort asap.


"Terrence come here, right now." I said, while pulling his ear.

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