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I was laying on Eazy's bed, playing with the end of his shirt as I waited for him. Then suddenly I hared someone talking downstairs and it wasn't Eric's voice. I got up and went down stairs to see what going on and what I saw was not pretty.

"Eric, what's taking you so long ?" I asked as I walked down the steps. I looked and saw Traci. "What the hell ?!?"

"Hello again." She smirked at me.

"Eric what is she doing here ?" I looked at him.

"Aaliyah baby I can expla-."

Traci cut him off. "We're having a baby, as you can see." She rubbed her stomach. I looked down at her belly and looked at Eazy.

"Really Eric? Are fucking kidding me ?!?" I spat in his face, then began walking away.

He grabbed my wrist. "Aaliyah wait." I pulled his hand off me.

"No get off of me." I ran upstairs and slammed the door. I started changing my clothes then Eric opened the door.

"Aaliyah can you just listen to me, please ?" He plead as he walked closer.

"Alright talk. And make it fast." I crossed my arms.

"I just found out today, I didn't cheat on you okay. This shit happened way before we was together Aaliyah." He grabbed my hands. "You gotta believe me."

I looked into his eyes. "I don't know if I do E." I bumped pass him and walked down stairs.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to start anything." Traci said innocently.

"Aaliyah stop." Eazy said while running down the steps.

"Maybe I should go ?" She looked between me and him

"Nah, you stay." I looked at Eazy, "I'll leave." I walked out the door and he followed me.

"Nah, nah you not going anywhere, until we finish this." He grabbed my arm again.

"Eric please, you said enough. I just need sometime to think okay." I looked at him with teary eyes.

"Alright, call me later ok ?" He looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Sure." I rolled my eyes, got into my car and drove off. I can't believe he's having another baby, and by that crazy bitch Traci. Oh hell no. I pulled up to my house, parked and walked in.

"Hey sis wassup ?" Stacey said. I huffed as I sat on the couch across from her.

"Uh oh, what's wrong now ?" Jada sipped her drink.

I sighed. "Eazy is having another baby." I shook my head.

"What? You pregnant ?" Stacey looked at me up and down.

"No girl no. He got your friend Traci pregnant." I nod at Jada.

"Hey, hey she not rally my friend aight. Her mother wanted her to hang with me because I'm a good influence. Traci is a piece of work trust me."

"Hmm then Eazy gonna have a handful with this one." I rolled my eyes.

"So what happen ?" Stacey raised an eyebrow.

"We was in the house chilling you know, then Traci came to the house pregnant an all and I was pissed. Eazy said that he just found out tonight and he said that it before me and him was even together."

"Damn." They shook their head. "Do you believe him ?" Jada raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know man. After that shit with Kelly, I don't who to trust right now." I rubbed my temple. "I just need time for self."

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