13.'On The Road'

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February 2,1988


Me and Stacey was packing for the tour. Stacey was so excited to explore the world that is out of Compton, shit we both were. I was nervous as hell because me, Eazy and R. Kelly gonna be in the same tour bus for 8 months. I know hell is gonna break lose but what ever happens between them two I will always have Eric's back, he as always been there for me. My dad walked into our room.

"Aye y'all got everything ?" He asked us.

"Yep." I said while zipping up my suit cast duffle bag.

"All set." Stay said grabbing her make up bag.

"Aright the tour bus just pulled up, get y'all asses downstairs." He walked out the room and we giggled. We grabbed our bags, headed down stairs, we put our bags down on the floor near the door.

"Aww I'm gonna miss y'all." Mom said as she hugged us.

"We gonna miss you too." She said as we hugged her back.

She pulled away. "Have a good time. But not a too good of a time, because I'm not raising no babies." She raised an eyebrow at us. We shook our head.

"Mom don't worry okay, well be careful." Stacey stated.

"Alright now don't for get to write." She smiled, then Evan walked over to us.

"Have fun guys, bring me back something or someone." He raised his eyebrows up and down.

"Boy stop." I hit his arm playfully.

"Nah on some serious shit, I'm proud of you Aaliyah." He hugged us and we pulled away.

"Thank you, good look in college basketball." I smiled at him.

He grins back. "Thanks."

"Come on girls the bus is waiting for y'all." Dad said from outside. We grabbed our bags and walked towards the side walk. The tour bus was huge, it looked like it had a lot of room inside.

"Damnnn." Me and Stacey said while looking at the tour bus.

"I know, nice huh ?" Martin said.

"Hell yeah." I nodded my head at him. Eazy put his stuff into the bus storage and walked over to me.

"Ready to go ?" He smiled at me.

"Yeah." I picked up my bags but Eazy stop me.

"Nah, let me get those for you." He smirked at me.

"Nah I got it." I heard a voice, then I turned around and saw Kelly.

"Nah, nigga I can handle it." Eazy step up to him.

"I don't think you can lil homie." He looked down at him.

Are they really arguing right now?

"Can y'all stop shit it's just a bag, I'll do it myself." I took my bags and put them in the bus storage.

"Hey baybeh girl, be careful and enjoy your self." Dad smiled.

"I will dad, see you soon." I smiled back as he kissed my forhead.

"Aye Eric." He called out to him.

"Wassup ?" Eazy answered.

"Look after of my daughter, aight." He said in a demanding tone.

"Yes sir." He smiled at me.

"Girl, I'm ready to meet all types of boys on this tour." Jada said, while dancing.

"No you not." Dre shouted, while going inside the bus. She rolled her eyes.

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