3.'To Detroit !'

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       Before I start the chapter, I want to give a shout out to EricaJohnson32 and her new book. Thanks for your support, your such loyal reader. Guys go check out her new book "  Beautiful Liar " .

Here you go,

The Next Day

I woke up the next morning rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I looked around my surroundings and notice I was in Eric's room on his bed. I got up put back on my shoes and headed for the door until, his bathroom door opened. Then came out my best friend, nothing on but a towel on with a toothbrush in his mouth.

Damn Eazy...

"Good morning, baby girl." He said while finishing his hygiene. I licked my lips at him.

"Good morning Eazy, umm I'm gonna head out. I have a lot of packing to do, you know." I stated. He walked over o me smirking and touched my chin making me look into his brown eyes.

"Aaliyah my eyes are up here baby." He smirked. "And sure, go ahead I'll talk to you later. Aight ?"

"Aight, see you later." I kissed his cheek, leaving his room I can feel his stare on my ass. I left his house, went in my car and drove off. 15 minutes later, I pulled up to my house, parked and went in side. It was quite, I looked at the clock it was 10:30 am. I quietly went up stairs to me and Stacey's room. She was sound to sleep. I took that opportunity to take a quick shower. When I was done I came back into the room and saw Stacey sitting up in her bed.

"Well, well looked who decided to come home." She smirked, while folding her arms. I walked to the dresser getting dome sweats.

"Don't start girl." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Where were you, Aaliyah ?" She asked, as I was putting on the rest of my clothes.

"I was clearing my head at Eazy's house."

"Mhmmm, well dad wants to talk to you again. Good luck." She said walking into the closet.

"Yeah, thanks." I mumbled. I walked down the hall to my parents bed room. I knocked on the door.

"Who is it ?" I heard my mom say.

"Aaliyah." I heard a feminine voice.

"Come in." Daddy said. I opened the door and walked in the room. I saw mom and dad sitting up in their bed.

"Hey, umm dad I wanted to apologize for the way I was acting yesterday but I meant what I said about my life." I stated.

"No baybeh girl, I should be the one apologizing. You and Stace are growing up into young woman and I just have to face that ya have to make ya own decisions." He said while getting up off the bed.

I was surprised. "Really daddy ?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes baybeh girl, you can go to any college you want. Follow your dreams." He smiled.

"Oh my god thank you daddy." I hugged him with excitement. He hugged back giggling.

"You welcome, baybeh plus you won't be in Detroit alone. Your uncle Kenneth will be in there too so, you can stay with him until your done." He said. I haven't seen him in 2 years, it would be nice to spend time with him.

"Great, thanks mom." I winked at her, she winked back at me.

"Well you better get packing, we already have your plane ticket. Your leaving tomorrow afternoon." Mama said smiling.

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