9.'Lil Touchy'

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January 20, 1988


The bright light from the window vines woke me up. I stretch and looked to my side to see Eric laying next to me with arm wrapped around me. I turn o my side and looked at his cute face.

He so sexy when he's asleep...

I leaned and kissed his check. Tracing his plumped lips and he smirked and opened one eye.

"What are you doing ?" He mumbled in his sleep.

I giggled at his silliness. "Nothing just waiting for you to wake up." I pecked his nose softly, he smiled as he sat up.

"Stop." He said while stretching.

"It's not my fault you have a cute nose."

He pulled me on top of him. "Oh yeah ?" He bit his lip. I straddled him. " Give me a kiss. " He said.

"Nigga no, we need to brush our teeth." I tried to get up but he held me down by my hips. "What are you doing ?" Raising an eyebrow at him.

"I like this position ma." He smirked, I shook my head.

"No no no. It's tooo early for that. No come on." He finally let me go, we got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. We did our hygiene and I turned around facing Eazy

"Now you can have your kiss. papi." I smirked while wrapping my arms around him. He smirked and pecked my lips. He wrapped his arms tightly around, sliding his tongue into my mouth. I moaned in the kiss, he pulled away smiling on my lip because he knew I liked it. He deepened the kiss while grabbing my ass, picking me up and sitting me on the sink. I ran my fingers through his curls, wrapping my legs around him. While our tongues were wrestling, I was getting so wet. I was a horny mess, I don't know what's come over me but I wanted him. So I sucked on his tongue, he groaned and sucked on mine. I went down grabbing his belt taking it off and un zipped his pants. He pulled away looking down, and looked into my eyes. I licked my lips at his, pulling his face to me and shoving my tongue back into his mouth. He pulled down my top, showing my boobs and my hard nipples. We pulled away, he stared at them licking his lips.

Ding Dong!

Saved by the bell...

I wanted to do this but I just realized what we was going to do. And I wasn't ready for that yet. Eazy fucks a lot of girls and if we do this then the next day he fucks a bitch, then it's gonna get ugly. We need to slow down and I need to learn to control my hormones.

"Who the fuck can that be. I was about get it in." He mumbled in a annoyed tone. I pulled up my top and my pants. He got up and fixed his pants.

"Yeah, umm I gonna see who it is." I pecked his lips

"Aight." Following me out the bathroom, into the bedroom. He sat down on the bed and turning on the T.V. I walked down stairs, the bell ranged again.

"I'm coming." I finally opened the door and saw a woman around my age and she had a small baby bump. She was very pretty might I say, curly brown hair, light skinned and small brown eyes. I think she's mixed with Chinese or something.

"Hey, what I can do for you." Leaning on the door frame.

"Hi umm I'm looking for Eric. Dre told me he was here. And who are you ?" She asked while looking at me up and down at me.

"I'm Aaliyah, Eric's best friend. I'll get him for you. Eazy !" I yelled.

"What ?" He shouted back.

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