4.'Meeting R.Kelly'

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January 4,1988

2 Years Later,


"Congratulations everyone, you have completed your creative class for Entertainment Arts, this semester. Cheers !"

"Cheers! Everyone yelled excluding me as, we drink our glasses of liquor. I just received my diploma for my major class, I'm so proud of myself and happy. Family has been fine, uncle Kenneth just had a baby girl, Evan graduated from high school and he's going to college with a basketball scholarship, Stacy's finishing up nursery school and Eazy well I don't know how he is personally. Because I've haven't talk to him in a year which is bad since we're suppose to be best friends but Stacey told me that Eric is starting a record company and the boyz are doing a rap group with him. She also told me that E has 2 kids, and one on the way. I was surprised, secretly ... I wanted to have his first child, but I guess not. I grabbed my diploma and walked out the building. Uncle Kenneth was leaning on his car talking on the phone, I walked up to the car and Kenneth hanged up the phone.

"Hey baybeh girl, congratulations." He smiled while hugging me.

"Thank you."

"I have some good news for you Aaliyah." He said, rubbing his hands together.

"Wassup ?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I was talking to my main man martin, he works with R. Kelly."


"The R. Kelly ?" I asked as my eyes widened.

"Yes yes, R. Kelly I got a gig for you at the night club and Martin and R. Kelly will be there to see you sing." He said cheesing.

I got overly excited started jumping up and down like five year old.

"So what we waiting on c'mon." We hoped in the car.

We pulled up to the night club and strolled in.

"Okay Aaliyah go backstage I'll be there to check on you when he gets here, aight." He stated.

"Okay Ken." I walked around the stage to the back and sat down in one of the dressing rooms.

10 Minutes later...

"He's here, he's here. Get ready baybeh girl and good luck." He said as he rushed over to me.

"O-okay, t-thanks uncle Kenneth. For everything man."  I hugged him, and he hugged me back.

"You welcome Aaliyah. Now GO girl." He laughed. I walked all the way to the front of the club and a man on stage introduced me.

"Introducing, a young woman with a  lovely voice, give it up for AALIYAH." He shouted, getting off stage.

I took a deep breath...

Aaliyah~ Let Me know ( In the MM. ).

Let me know
Let me know
Let me know...

When I feel
What I feel
Sometimes its hard  to tell you
You may not be in the mood
To learn
What you think
you know

There are times
when I find
You wanna keep
yourself from

When I don't have
the strength
I'm just a mirror of what I see

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