27.'We Want Eazyyy'

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Excuse my mistakes

September 7,1989


Today was a nigga birthday, I'm muthafuckin' 23 and I'm ready to enjoy my day. I woke up with a smile on my face but when I looked to my left, my baby girl wasn't there. Ever since that shit with Ginuwine happened I was ignoring her. And I don't regret it, she don't listen. I told her to stay away from him, he sneaky but guess what she didn't listen. So I'm making her suffer. I was getting dressed for the day, looking like the G' I am. Then I heard someone ring my door bell. I took my gat and went downstairs. I opened the door to see a chauffeur.

"Are you Mr. Wright ?" The white chauffeur asked.

"Yeah, who wants to know ?" I looked at him up and down.

"I am your driver sir, your limo is here." He smiled.

"Umm okay ?" I chuckled, I put my gun the back of my pants and walked towards the limo.

The shofar open the door for me. "Allow me sir. "

"Thanks man." As I sat down my heart dropped, I saw Aaliyah sitting across from me smirking.

"Happy Birthday Eazy !" She smiled showing her dimples.

"Aaliyah, what the fuck you doing here ?" I raised an eyebrow.

She sighed. "I rent a limo for your birthday, it's just a lil surprise. Well one of them anyway." I chuckled, while shaking my head. Aaliyah always know how to make somebody day. "Look Eric, I know why you have been ignoring me and I can say I didn't deserve it. I'm sorry about the incident with Ginuwine, I just want us to move on from this." She confessed.

"I guess it's okay, but if you really wanna make it up to me... you need to do something special for me." I smirked.

"And what will that be Mr. Wright ?" She return a smirk.

"You'll see later on, now can we go celebrate my fucking birthday now ?" I said, making her laugh.

She rolled her eyes. "Sure but let's make a quick toast." She grabbed two glasses of champagne and gave one to me. "Here's two a Happy Birthday day, and many more to come." She smiled, while holding up her glass.

I licked my lips. "Cheers."

"Cheers." We tapped glasses and took our sips. I put my cup down and motion her to come here. "Sit on my lap." She got up and sat on my lap softly.

"Happy Birthday baby boy." She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Thank you baby girl." I leaned up and kissed her lips, sliding my tongue into her mouth. She moaned in my mouth, put her hand on my cheek as our tongues wrestle.

Damn, I can't stay mad at her...

We arrived at this nice ass joint and paparazzi was all over. Woman call my name, I got out the limo and walked hand and hand into the building.

"Surprise Happy Birthday Eazy E !!!" Everybody yelled.

"Oh shit, thanks guys." I laughed as everyone yelled for me. I turn to Aaliyah as she had a innocent look on her face. "You did this too huh ?" I raised an eyebrow while, smirking.

She twirled her hair with her finger. "Yeah I did with your boyz help of course." She giggled.

"Come on cuz, make a wish and blow out your candles." Jada said while holding the double chocolate cake, my favorite.

I wish I would have the courage to give of the Mac game and ask Aaliyah to be mine forever...

I blew out the candles, everyone clapped and cheered.

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